I love these ideas. I made a post called 'improved open ocean' where I felt that although the seabed is vibrant and active the ocean itself is rather dull. In the real world, schools of fish, whales, dolphins, sharks, migrating fish and larger thing…
How about submarine customisation? Just have one sub but have 30 odd options to customise it with. Bigger cockpit but shallower depth limit, smaller cockpit but greater depth limit. Radar, vortex torpedos, electro field, ejector pod, bigger engines …
I whole-heartedly agree with you. The abyss is rather bland and there should be a deterrent to going there. Similar to the event in Spore where if you stray too far from land into the sea, a giant creature bursts from the depths to kill you, remindi…
P We should find out what caused the "mysterious energy pulse" and see too it that no one else falls prey to it. I say that rescue is optional but if chosen it could allow a team to explore the planet with you. This way when the game ends you can st…
This means that if we are on a moon then we too have a moon, the smaller moon shaped moon. Given the lack of retrograde motion it is obvious that either we orbit it, or it orbits us.
That's makes sense but I think (but only think) that the devs stated that it is a planet.
I meant for this to be implemented alongside the cyclops. I feel the cyclops is pretty early-mid game and we needed a reward in the mid-late game.
That's a really great to idea, how about it has nests like birds and the stalkers do. It could at night sit on its eggs and protect them.
The recipes for these upgrades should vary in size and difficulty depending on what the upgrade is and what it does.
How about a caving vessel like this.
It could be small, very slow (not good for open ocean) tough but importantly very agile. Using its 'flippers' it could manoeuvre with ease.
in Weekly Poll: Submarine Types/Classes Comment by NotAnNSASpy December 2015 -
I think that the robot idea would be cool, having a humanoid robot with basically the same needs and uses as a human, but would it need to eat? And what about power for it?