I'd love to give my insight on the game's early pacing, but I don't know on which forum to post it.
Ah pas d'inquiétudes. J'ai déjà fort à faire à me retaper tout le premier jeu. D'ailleurs, chapeau bas pour une bonne partie des trads. Vous avez trouvé d'excellents noms pour les créatures où la traduction directe n'aurait pas eu le même impact ("a…
Vous en avez du courage, la traduction c'est pas quelque chose de facile. Pour le coup je pense mettre le jeu en français pour voir le résultat.I think new forums would help avoiding spoilers for those who only come to talk about the main game.
EDIT: After looking through Steam's forum for the game, yeah I'd like very much a dedicated forum here. Just to avoid the toxicity of th…Let's make it a rehearsal for Mr. Freeze's lines.Nah, you need an icebreaker first.I think the main issue with quartz isn't its accessibility, but rather its use. I'm usually packing a lot of quartz before moving to a new base because having to spend 2 quartz for each glass becomes a burden. Windows, tables, aquariums, chargers, e…I'm currently playing INFRA, which released its last 3 chapters yesterday:
You play a technical engineer tasked …(Quote)
I guess Leviathans will always be a pain to deal with, both as player or developer.(Quote)
Actually, I think spawning Leviathans only in deep biomes would solve this. I'm pretty sure their AI is programmed to keep a distance from both ground and surface level. The crash zone probably bugs Leviathan because it's not deep …(Quote)
Sure does, but it would be suicidal to explore with all the Reaper Leviathans. I'd prefer those only spawn in deep waters like the mountains and dunes, but keep the Crash Zone radioactive to dissuade players to make it an easy sour…Check for Floaters around the concerned rooms. Unless it was fixed, they can easily rupture any base module, even from inside an aquarium.(Quote)
I thought exploring the Styx was creepy enough as it was. THAT proves me wrong.Considering all the shades of blue in that biome, why not Deep Blue Garden?
For the plant, I propose Blueberry Bushes, because misnomers are fun.That building wouldn't look out of place in Rapture.This is majestic.I think the issue is with the bioreactors. They are too slow to generate a steady power source, and they can't keep up alone with base appliances such as spotlights and water filtration machines.This is the voice of the damned. o_oCouple those with a water filtration machine and you can die of asphyxiation over the night if you don't have a nuclear Spotlight Comment by Pauolo August 2016
I'm calling witchcraft on this one. Last time I checked it, it was gone, and now it's back and bigger.(Quote)
Try checking south from the mountain island. I've spotted floating terrestial plants and boulders above water before the menu breaking update. I suppose that's where the new island will appear.(Quote)
I saw those roots on my way down. Also the other entrance from the first Blood Kelp zone is now littered with the small plants the developers made for the Lost River.Sounds like SHODAN...I you dock the exo-suit aboard the Cyclops, don't forget to close the hatch on it, because that will happen if you don't.(Quote)
Won't building your own transmitter in your base give the same messages as the radio in the lifepod?(Quote)
They make it hard to see at far range, so navigation through cave biomes like the lost river and the inactive lava zone with the Cyclops is still hard. The proximity radar helps a bit, but it's like fumbling in the dark.I made a few tests with the new pressure compensators. They won't stack anymore, and only the most upgraded one will be working when you install several. They come with new crush depth limits, and free more space upgrade slots for the submarines.
I'm surprised there is that much Subnautica players in France and less in other western European countries. I'm from France btw.Yes for both the large multi-purpose room and the 45° corridors. A giant aquarium to breed creatures hatched from eggs to their full maturity would be nice too. The only thing this aquarium would also need is a system to evacuate those creatures dir…The developers just added the new Blood Kelp Zone in yesterday's updates, between the dunes and underwater islands. Checking on the wiki for more info about this latest build you're mentioning, it seems Sea Treaders are now spawnable and entrances t…