@xen32 I've got this as well. The Cystem has just been released though, so I'm holding out hope for a hotfix on this. Cysts went from being a chore to be an annoyance@PaLaGi You actually want that kind of community interaction? Ugh... me and you have very different preferences my friend.
I'd rather anyone connected to th…@Qwurty2.0 Yes sir, just so.
By having a drifter at the far end of a cyst line, I could construct that cyst "sooner" and thus construct things quicker or "…@Qwurty2.0 I must be explaining this very bad then... I started playing and learned the game in 250, and a common trick I did was to place a long line of cysts, then h…@IronHorse NOT the last cyst in a long line of cysts.... it won't. Trust me. Play a game with this patch and try it out for Version 251 Comment by Phoenixon July 2013
I started playing in 250 and it was not like this
The problem is tied to the last cyst in a chai…(Quote)
I am still very concerned about this to be honest. Yes, it makes alien com a bit "easier", or rather, it removes some of the hassle, but this makes it Extremely effective for marines to just attack cysts. If 1 marine dies after kil…(Quote)
No sir, I moved it down to the second change i noticed. My drifter couldn't build a cyst until the cyst growth had caught up to that point.
In the past I could cyst a long path and then have a drifter at the far end of …(Quote)
Updated my post after figuring out why.
You get yellow drifters? Lucky sod... mine are all orange like everything else... weird. No mods.
I didn't notice any chain system, but I "did" notice that cysts could be placed outside of "cyst range" but this immediately destroyed the placed cyst... no auto-chain was established. Played 2 games so far.
Alien Commander changes noticed so far:
Drifters are no longer yellow, but Orange on the minimap for hard to spot fun. (Other players have reported that this is not the case. Not sure why it happens to me. No mods.)
Cysts can no lo…