Same for me : from a previous savegame, or on a brand new start (build 27828 - both tested on "experimental"), the large aquarium is still available (from the blueprints on your PDA, or directly on the habitat components tab of the… -
This is pretty strange. I've just downloaded the last update this morning (I'm playing in experimental mode), and the large aquarium still appears in the builder's menu.
Did you noticed this issue since your last update today ? -
This sounds interesting (and maybe usefull in particular contexts !) ... Thank you for sharing this information, Halios !in PSA: Volcanic vents can kill you now, experimental build 27667 Comment by Piscator January 2016
I went over there (Koosh) yesterday evening and, despiste the fact I didn't see the new announced wreck in this biome, I noticed some piles of big debris in the outer edge and strange shaped forms of the ground (really flat surface… -
Thank you for the info !
(... Piscator's gonna make some stalkers move as far as the dunes, j… -
Is the local fauna injured by the volcanic vent ?
(I've got some ideas about this)
Totally agree with this
I had about the same experience a few days ago with a stalker in the sa… -
I'm now totally convinced that, after patiently collected all their metal salvages, they all disappeared in the end by eating their precious treasures (it's definitively a pure titanium overdose) !
(... ok, stop jokingJust put one of them in your hand (PDA inventory) and you'll notice a kind of "beacon" message appearing somewhere around you (just like the base or subs beacon).
This will give you the location of a point of interest into several biomes ... …Did you tried the -force-d3d9 setting in the Subnautica properties on your Steam game list ? (here it is)(Quote)
Indeed, I don't remember ever seen a reaper straightly attack a reefback until now. I've been back checking this myself on several sites but, as @Spaces…(Quote)
I do believe that, in view of this thread's size, there is little no way for the devs to ignore this issue any more, and all the investment of you all ! Not sure there are other recent subject in this forum that "inflamed" more the…Another Trello card has been posted yesterday, making the things even worst : the Rock Puncher (the big guy in action) is being c…(Quote)
This could be awesomely great ! Something that truly make it up with the game's living mechanics !(Quote)
Sadly, this seems a truly wise observation ... and someone could extend it to the real life (rather frightening, now).
In the case of Subnautica, it's such a pity the way the game seems to currently deliver a kind of "d…(Quote)
This means that its the player who "enable" the vanishing of the fishes (at least, in this state of the game), simply by crossing into a biome and making his home in it ?
Bad news, if so ...in "Food For Thought" - Ecosystem Concerns Comment by Piscator January 2016
I've finally read this thread from start to end (it "just" took me a few days to achieve it, but there is so much thin…
I also encounter this precise issue (white screen, and then "not responding") if I set the graphics quality (starting menu of Subnautica) on "Highest (experimental)" ...I just noticed on the Subnautica Development Trello a new card in the "To Do List" called "Experiment with spawning a small fish behind you when one is killed" ( in "Food For Thought" - Ecosystem Concerns Comment by Piscator January 2016(Quote)
Wow ! You're a truly wise gamer ! This is nearly a kind of professionnal behavior, in fact. My respect, Kouji_San !It seems that the ecosystem of Subnautica miss something : there is no (not yet?) respawning process of the fish the player eat, nor the ones being caught by the predators. So, progressively, the waters of the surrounding biomes become empty with ti…Just click on the image itself, or use this direct link to have a better look at it : http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/370405Thewrecks.jpg (click again to zoom).
Maybe they simply have to implement the new "very deep" biomes the exosuit is supposed to let us reach, before completing it (it probably makes less sense to release the exosuit if these biomes are not yet available !?). If so, they are going to be …(Quote)
JACKNemo88 asked for this location yesterday, and I sent him a way to reach the wrecks (on this post forums.unknownworlds.com/disc…I forgot to clarify something : you have to play subnautica at least on "freedom" (or "survival" and "hardcore" mode, if you prefer) to have a chance to reach the wrecks.
This biome is not implemented on "creative" mode (because the explosion …I usually switch back on the stable version from the Steam Menu (right click on Subnautica in the games list, click on "Properties", select the "Beta" tab and choose "NONE" instead of "Experimental")
The wrecks biome is located somewhere…(Quote)
Totally missed that page on the trello
Great link, thank you again, R2T9 !