How dare you put your mapping on hold to get married! It's an outrage! Garble! Gabble!
Am enjoying these, thank you.
Let's be frank, WasabiOne, it's Ascension to beat in the group C & D matchups.
did i miss it?
Or you can play at 60fps on medium settings on a new Macbook retina... People aren't asking hypothetically...
NS is one of the very few reasons I still have dual boot my mac to windows. Make my life simpler plz.
I've played hundred of hours of NS2 on my macbook and would love a native client. Just putting my hand up to be counted.
Thanks for the clear communication.
Whatever new game they are making, it's likely to be using the spark engine. So, that'll hint toward what sort of game it might be.
Could you add the ability to spectate commander? It would help newbies to see what competent coms are doing, where their vision is focused and what they click.
Fixed my issue. People with similar make sure display scaling is off in the properties tab of the NS2 exe.
On launch, loads a black screen then crashes. Macbook Retina, booted into full up to date Windows 7. Any idea?
I'm not currently experiencing any issues, am satisfied with NS2 and appreciate the communication. Thanks.
Not everyone is upset.
Supported, as always. You're great game developers and wonderful people.
It may be worth you sitting down with a business development manager and have a think about the future though. -
Thank you everyone for all your efforts.
One thing is for sure, UWE is doing a metric f**ktonne of work on this game. Thanks for your efforts.
Commander has had personal res taken away and there's a one minute lockout before the commander can accrue res again after leaving the chair. No more gorging to tend your hive early game. Plus it's frustrating is someone just wants to jump in and bu…
edit: to get this to work on macbook retinas go into properties > compatibility and click 'disable scaling on high dpi settings'
edit nvrmind
My game launches zoomed in like in the top left quarter of the screen and I can't change the screen size because the accept button is in the bottom right of the screen... it's really weird. Completely unplayable.
edit: to get this to wor… -
My primary machine is a macbook. Runs the game just fine.
This game is basically the last reason I dual boot into windows.
this is fun
cysting is far easier, recysting can be a little confusing as it's nowhere near as easy.
For pub play they can be invaluable for teams who, for various reasons (experience + skill), can't get their shit together. Though the opening post is probably correct when it says, 'any half decent team', fortunately UWE develops for the rest of us…
Against the idea.
Drop the 2, just Natural Selection, it's cleaner. *dramatically exits*
Natural Selection: Gaia
Goes with the female / biodome theme, what with the whole female thing and biodome being a literal birthplace of new life. Plus you can make a habit of naming all your content patches with a 'G'. -
Look, I don't care what you change but please be careful managing it. Carefully consider your roll out options for large changes and how you plan on keeping everyone informed. If you fumble it, you risk splitting your player base and I'm not sure yo…