I'm all for those camera drone upgrades, I had an idea for cyclops-mounted drones that could repair your ship and give creatures a little zap.
Honestly an area below the void wouldn't have to be procedurally generated, but it would be cool to to have a much larger, deeper area to explore.
I like this.
Hey that's pretty good! That's definitely the right type of teleporter and the control panel is a nice touch.
The trello said it would be like an observatory with no windows, I don't think there is any concept for it. -
A cool project for you would be to model a mini base teleporter room. It's on the post 1.0 section of the roadmap Trello, so it's a possible feature eventually.
P.S Your models are awesome! Keep up the great work! -
Yes. Definitely. Absolutely!
Edit: My stupid Gravity Falls gif doesn't work. poop. -
@Minder Hey I was also thinking a smaller manta would be a great design for my sub idea
in New sub idea Comment by PowerPistons August 2017
I think that this is an AWESOME idea, partially because I'm the person that purposely crashes the cyclops to have a challenge. And I like having tons of different things to manage.
@0x6A7232 as I said in my original post, it takes up an entire room.(Quote)
Woops I totally forgot about that. Maybe an op… -
He started the original in Blender, then created the current one in Maya and textured in Photoshop.
I think that instead of transfused abilities, it should be things that augment your HUD. Like a night vision mode, personal sonar or a clock. Increased damage resistance would be something for the transfuser instead of the PDA.Okay I can't be the only one who wants giant floaters holding up the playable areaI like a super dark blue base, with a white primary stripe and magenta for secondary, and a red interior. Cyclops: Maui's Hook (cause i know all the Moana songs) Seamoth: Seabiscuit, like the horse. And my PRAWN: Hercules.Call me crazy but I'm hype for base enter/exit animations and PDA voiceovers. I also heard somewhere that there will be voice actors for life pods and degasi survivors.(Quote)
If you put a window on the scanner room and use the camera, you can partially see your face.I always like to build my first base in the Safe Shallows, and then build my main base in the Blood Kelp Trench, as it has easy LR access. I usually have two moonpools and my "laboratory" there. I build a mini outpost in the ILZ later to keep my cyc…3rd person view!
Explosive torpedoes!
Advanced thermonuclear harpoon launcher!
"Easy" gamemode!
Precursor pistol/rifle!
Sea Emporor vs. Sea Dragon!
Blow up the gun!
AND MOAR!!!!!in Make suggestion... horribly unsuited for Subnautica (Below Zero Edition) Comment by PowerPistons August 2017
Yeah, I think the Lego model is a bit to small because this thing needs to fit the scanner table and have room to hold the stuff on top. I'm not sure if I explained cleary enough, but the cargo area on top isn't like a…(Quote)
I think that this is a great idea for HUGE bases that cover large distances. I think that the transport room should connect to like a cable car ( but underwater) and it could travel through more e…It would be cool if the first time you interact with a juvenile emperor a custom telekinetic voice and speech would come through. For example: Juvenile 1 could say in a stutter (like it doesn't really know how to communicate yet), w-w-what a-are y-y…It would be awesome if whenever you hit the ground or a small creature the dirt/blood stain would splatter on the windshield and the hull of the vehicle.