The ressemblance is indeed striking! good find @0x6A7232
in Floating / Mountain Islands = Nusa Penida (Lesser Sunda Islands)? Comment by Rainstorm February 2018
You just made my day there. best theory i've heard so far too so 1 robot part to you -
the electricity bill for that place must be hhhuuuuuggeeee!
a very nice base you got thereTo be honest this is one of the reason why i love this game so much, the complete freedom to do whatever you wanna do whenever you wanna do it. The game's main arc will wait until you feel like going back to it before continuing ..... it'll wait for…Hardcore mode used to not have oxygen warnings but at some point they changed that. They forgot to removed this in the game mode description tho so its a bit misleading. Thats one more thing to add to their list of things to correct.(Quote)
its all very ambitious and interesting stuff i must say. i'll be sure to keep an eye on your progress but im foreseeing ALOT of work to achieve all this so i sure hope you love complicated challengesin How much modding is really possible? Comment by Rainstorm February 2018
I can see the difference in the pop-ins but in my humble opinion, unless you got a very good computer the gain isnt worth the performance loss. If you got a beast computer it might be worth trying, personally my computer and gpu arent high-end so i'…i love how people complain about anything and everything lol
If there wasnt any plants people would complain theres nothing else to eat in this game but fishin Okey so farming... Comment by Rainstorm January 2018
You, kind sir, arent allowed to taunt us with these talks of mods and their would-be supported states!
we dont have access to the end just yet. That will come with the full release of the game which last i heard was on the 23rd of this monthThe character still needs to escape the planet by creating a rocket which we c…(Quote)
I also agree that all base pieces should consume energy. They produce and/or carry oxygen constantly for the player and they also all produce lighting. The energy consumption per piece doesnt need to be astronomical but there shoul…Before knowing where everything is by heart what i did was to explore every single biomes one by one and then move on to the next. So in other words when i first played the game (there was no scanner room back then) i made a small base, explored the…(Quote)
hopefully! it would be kinda nice if those who bought the game while it was in early access would get some kind of reward . It was discussed at one point to reward the CuddleFish but that idea was scrapped and they decided to offer…(Quote)
Thanks for the report friend! i've found some recently in the Lost River as well, where the Sea Dragon skelleton remains. You could say its not easily accesible there either it takes at least a seamoth with the Rk. III depth upgrad…Modding of games is the future. You want you game to remain actual and popular for years to come? allow the community to create mods for it and its a win/win scenario. deny your community the means to do it is a wasted opportunity to make your gem s…(Quote)
muahahaha. that bad pun made me smile! you never seem to miss one uh?That looks very promising, i have to say
Its not just a map its more like a ''Waze'' system that adds ping icons o…(Quote)
yeah, even after V1.0 theres bound to be bugs leftovers from the beta stage unfixed yet that will require console commands to alleviate, short of remaking a new game. Plus, since this is a single player game only anyway, theres no …Holy mother of God ..... that art is is beautifully terrifying!Your observations and critics are so close to my own that i feel i could have been the one writing this post! I Basically dont use the very same techs nor do i go back to those very same biomes more than once either for about the same reasons you me…(Quote)
Yeah i know, im like that too! I always have the urge to enter every holes i come across ..... which is exactly how i am in real life as well. Wow ok, said like that i guess it sounds very wrongin Can there be *some* way to mass-move Lockers more efficiently? Comment by Rainstorm August 2017
WAT! nuuuuuuuuu dun remove the MPR its the only room type we got(Quote)
**Steam Summer sale :Subnautica at 74.97$**
#WHATADEALin Price Increase a Month Before Launch? Comment by Rainstorm August 2017
cant remember the exact day i bought the game, but i remember we could still eat acid mushroom as food ...... lolGood theoryThis question was wondered about a good while ago and if you're curious about other player's thoughts on this here…
While its relatively easy to survive the first few hours of a playthru, it gets more and more complicated when you start deep diving. More and more variables enters the survival equation in the form of more aggressive predators like the warpers and …I was under the impression that the Devs of Subnautica would not see it with a good eye that people would try to mod their game. Thats often the stance developers take towards modders, which is sad, because some them are really talented.
…(Quote) He was expecting a peeper, imagine his surprise when he found out the sandshark at the other end of his line