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@Captain_Pyro I mean, this COULD become really frustrating, NOT that it definitely will be. Hence the word 'potentially'. I do like the idea, and if it's done rig…
Cyclops could have a sonar that mostly works as an automatic mapping tool, but would also be used to detect nearby creatures.
PvP makes zero sense. If we'll ever get multiplayer, the gameplay is more likely focused around building and exploring together than fighting. Only kind fighting that could work is boneshark pong with propulsion cannons.This sounds pretty cool, but I think it would be kind of problematic to implement. You'd need to keep track of REALLY many fish at a time. And also Subautica shows you just a small part of the map at a time and freezes other areas, so I assume this …@tyler111762 That kind of thing (moon pool) is coming to the game pretty soon! Only seamoth…Sounds cool. But this could potentially be the most frustrating thing ever made. Especially if it can happen multiple times. Maybe you won't have to leave the sub, but instead stay on board. The sub won't break either, but you'd have hard time getti…@Reefseeker Juu, merkkipoiju kuulostaa aika somalta, mutta pelkkä 'majakka' ois mun mielestä kätevämpi.
Ja Reginald = Reino?in Finnish translation thread Comment by SalmonJEDl June 2015
1. Shoot crash home
2. Go near it so the fish tries to chase you
3. The fish blows up the crash home.
If this doesn't happen, then it's a bug.@Reefseeker
'SeaGliden' oikea nimitys on 'Diver propulsion vehicle', en tiiä mitä suomeksi. Muutenki SeaGlide vaikuttaa vaan tuotenimeltä, joten sen jättämine…Early solar panels exist in the experimental mode and are being tested for full release.
Thermal plants are coming to the game too.
The game is based on exploration, so I don't think we shuld encourage killing the sharks.
…I have a GeForce GT 635M, and the GPU box isn't checked. It means that it's not powerfull enough for the recommended specs of Subnautica. The only way to 'fix' this is to buy a new better GPU. You can play the game nevertheless, but you might get so…@TheIdeaCreator Lethal weapons will probably never be implemented in the game. You have tools that can be used as weapons, but we shouldn't get items that are m…(Quote) The F8-functionality only lets you give short feedback / bug report messages. For more detailed suggestions use the forums (you are doing that right nowin A few more ideas Comment by SalmonJEDl June 2015
(Quote) The game should update itself on Steam.
I completely agree with you. Maybe you could also pick up a completely broken seamoth and repair it on cyclops OR bring it to a moon pool for repairs.
(Quote) Jos päätetään suomentaa koko fabricator/constructor/builder -trio, niin Fabricator = Valmistaja. Koska fabricate = valmistaa. Mut nuo kaks muuta...
Mun mielestä beacon ois parempi suomentaa 'majakka'. Muita suomennoksia nettisana…Eli ongelmallistahan tällä hetkellä on laitteiden ymsyms nimeäminen. Jätetäänkö ennalleen vai suomennetaanko ne? Sama parin otuksen kanssa. Listaan tähän muutaman stringin ja niitten tämänhetkisen suomennoksen (jos on), pistäkää kommenttia/ehdotuksi…If you want to add generic suggestion lists, here are some (from my own list in SUGGESTIONS MEGATHREAD Comment by SalmonJEDl June 2015(Quote) Swimmer idea: yesss.
I think you should be able to upgrade cyclops with a sonar mapping tool, that would map areas around it AND save them to a overall map. The map would be 3D and zoomable, show your position and nearby an…(Quote)
There's nothing special at the island yet, since it's still work-in-progress. Just some neat places that still need improvements. Also, there are some weird coral houses fairly near the island (on the ocean floor), so you might …Creatures
This game is based on exploration, not killing things. It's no use listing creature qualities like HP.
I think flying creatures shouldn't be big. It makes sense to make them half aquatic, since world is covered in water. Same for…Never seen one near the island. And I'd say you're safe in the back end of the Aurora, if you're not right next to it. I haven't been in those areas in the newest update, but I'd be really surprised if these changed.
You could try to find floater island in the soutwestern part of the map. However, that area is still totally uncomplete, so don't expect anything cool to happen (yet).
There isn't that much to do in the game at the moment. We just have to wait …As you can see here:
solar panels, bioreactor, thermal plant and nuclear react…I think they should be build like base modules with gridded places AND freely on non-base surfaces, where they would need to be connected to the base through power cables.
It might be that now you have to build it yourself. Kind of makes sense, I like it.
(Quote) Yeah, that sounds better.