it could also be an idea that a solar panel (power source) alone is not enough but you also need some kind of big battery in the base for the storage because its hard for me to believe its just stored in the walls
nice idea ign 11/10
maybe when you die you wake up in the lifepod or base and you are reset to the day after, like a bad dream or something.
i got banned from the discord server because i had a disagreement with one of the developers, i don't even know what about anymore but i do know i was wrong. i know now that i was acting idiotic and that i should've just said sorry and moved on befo…
just stick the item on the fish and put a rubber band around it XD -
yea, i imagine it would be very hard to make, but would be cool indeed -
it would be cool to be able to dock the cyclops but i tihnk some sort of cable from base to cyclops would be enough, to recharge it -
i mean that the upgrade modules you put in the cyclops stop working and if thats for example how deep it can go and youre 400 meters deep and your power runs out, you start getting damage because the upgrades wont work then, but i … -
thats true but what if it was an upgrade for the seaglider, that you can let go of it and it acts as a robot then, and then you can pick it back up so you can use it again. -
dont we have some sort of backpack already, how else would we carry all this stuff
i agree, maybe it would be cool if the upgrades then stop working like the hull integrity and stuff. -
i made a post almost exactly like this on the same time lol -
maybe you have an old save file or something, or you have to verify your game cache -
okay thanks ill check that out before i post stuff here (: -
yes and a small rescue boat with a tiger and a small boy, all alone stranded on a planet. . . whait a f****in minute there are lifeforms here fucking wild standing sitck tail cats with a tiger emperor, lol JK -
yea thats true, and poeple who havent watched the movie are thinking "how can this even make sense XD" -
i dont know how to respond to this -.- -
i think they should ad snap points that toggle on and off (Quote)
yea but what if you can turn them on and off
i like that but they should have them spawn near islands so there is a little danger to island and around them as well, after all they do need a place to rest once in a while -
yea okay, nice explaination but they should write it in the logs of the fish you scanned then, i agree that they shouldnt make the game more violent because you wouldnt get as scared or excited from things -
id like that too come back but then also some other plants reacting or seeing them grow like a creepvine slowly getting taller and being able to plant the seedvine clusters somewhere else so you can make your own biomes, but that i… -
yea that would be nice, good suggestion! -
thank you!, and i did not know that they already reacted to light sorry. -
oh sorry i did not know these where in the game already, thanks -
i think this i way too much too read so might just tone it down a bit but other than that, i think som sort of little energy shield would do the trick just fine, one that survives like 2 hits from leviathan or something and a few more for the other …
maybe you have to drink it directly from the airsack then XD, or save the bottle because i have had a bottle for 2 years now and its still not leaking, makes sense right? -
i like the idea of silicone rubber better because for a metal bottle they would have to make a new item for only water drinking, if they can use normal textures they are probably more likely to do this. i have never had that machin… -
i liked the guide at first because i didnt know shit and you can see crafting recipes but in subnautica i mean someone that is a burden but you want to save him/her because its the only person there, and with a lot good dialogue wo… -
oh i didnt know that, i havent got the game for that long, like not even a week i think, but i think it would ad some nice character and story to the game, i know that it is a survival game and they should focus mainly on that but … -
@subnauticambrian yes youre right but its just a suggestion so they dont have to do it