install windows 7 64bit, not 32bit, most of your problems should go away
I wish UWE never supported XP from the start, just so we can avoid people who are too damn lazy and ignorant to upgrade an OS.
you can install windows 7 in under an hour with drivers, but i guess it makes more sense to complain to vol… -
a topic about making exo for competitive play viable
tells his idea is a personal becon
gets information and suggestions from kaneh whos a competitive commander player
kaneh gets his point reinforced by joshy whos… -
replacing the stupid fist with a welder is the best idea for the exo, i also think we should give the exo a welder and go from there, this will make an exo much more useful as its capable of building RT's and repairing eachother after an engagement …
why not have the option to have it so you cannot fall when holding shift while walking, your skulk will stay on the surface no matter what, until you let go of your walk key or just have a new bind where you can hold down a key and you can also run …
Nobody will receive their NS2 prizes! i was told my team would get some as well, and i heard another team last season was promised and never got it.
they also said last season a team would get prizes, and the winner never received the prizes wasabione was suppose to send, they even made a thread about it complaining.
which is why when i heard we would get prizes i didn't believe it, … -
+1 fix/improve the game before adding content, content is good, but even KODIAK is hated by some in the public servers because of low FPS, early versions of biodome in falls had huge performance drops even on my machine to the point where i would wa…
without mods natural selection wouldn't exist in the first place
you kinda pulled that one out of thin air, if you would of removed all the 24 players or if it just never existed we would of just had MORE 18player servers filled up and not that "there would be less players playing"
i… -
it would atleast be nice to have some bug fixes, such as being able to jump over baby whips/crags when they are still tiny and being built, gameplay changes should wait after the tourny
when you bite a marine building a power node once and he continues building the node instead of shooting at you.
seriously this happens alot, i even went in front of his face as a skulk and just para killed him
complete brain… -
an ORC PEON does a better job at alerting me about my base being attacked in warcraft 3 than a high tech space age lady in ns2
i have seen hit reg issues a number of times, although rare, it is very annoying, seeing blood come from a skulk, blood stained on a wall and no damage number showing up is a problem, i even asked the player if he got hit and he responded with no, h…
(Quote) Apple fans cannot command, they follow, like a bunch of sheep
in PETITION FOR NS2 OSX PORT Comment by Sharp-Shooter November 2013
not sure if this was fixed but macs cannot find a way to build the power node in filtration
i cant believe some people are still using 32bit, i switched to 64bit and sticked with it since 2006, please, switch to 64bit and if you need to buy memory, please do so, its 20 dollars for an extra gig...cmon, dont upgrade it just for the game
This game has had more changes from one patch to the other then call of duty modern warfare 1 to 3, and its a good thing
a nice solution to all this is to make pubies play 6v6-8v8 instead of god awful server and client performance breaking 12v12
this is not about balancing comp play vs pub play, its about balancing for player count, and so far 6v6-8v8 is m… -
didnt work for me, however the new patch 254 hotfix fixed it
because the mouse input lag is more annoying with it on -
it looks like the rifle is also positioned differently in first person, looks much better imo
it kinda sounds like something was fired and 3-4 seconds later something exploded?
maybe you can upgrade the command chair to a planetary fortress command chair! and it can lift off and sit next to the hive killing all the aliens around … -
black marine armor in first person. The textures look slightly higher res, but that could be because i never seen the map before
excellent video! however few points,
armory does not need to be built first, in fact when i comm in public games, i usually go fast arms lab and tech 1-1 before i get armory, this works very well even for pub play <this of course depends on… -
really? i didnt know that!!! -sarcasm
obviously many of us do, the point that I, and many others, are making is that we will sometimes have these choices
play another time
play rookie friendly servers
… -
i think decreasing res flow timing for a longer early game is a pretty good idea, imo ns2 is most fun in the first 7 minutes, after when the fadeball comes out the game just comes to a halt until either marines can hold it out until they are teched …
try to pay no attention to xao, he joined a server yesterday that was not rookie friendly filled with competitive players/pro players and basically accused me of hacking, telling me to take a screenshot and upload it to steam "righ… -
this is a clever idea however it has downsides, whats to stop a commander dropping someone a fade, that someone gets 20 kills before dying, but by that time the same person has 40 pres and gets to go fade again. its sort of the sam…