For the sake of context - I grew up on the cusp of the birth of gaming. In the early days, when I was a small girl, there was basically nothing, either for girls, or for people of colour (and absolutely nothing for my two demographics combined). So,…
You should use more of Earth's own deep sea creatures for your inspiration. Most subnautica fish just don't look alien enough.
Some of my picks:
Barreleye fishin Creature Suggestion Thread! (Add Yours!) Comment by SilkSpider January 2019
Nothing? Okay, then...
Precisely. It would be a nice thing for my friend who loves this game, but suffers from profound hearing loss, and therefore suffers a lot of sudden deaths. Mostly courtesy of Reapers since she can't hear their distant roars. -
Well, I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up since the OP hasn't posted in this thread for almost a year now.
Same, I was about to ask if it worked with Qmod. I have many mods and that's the framework every single one of them uses.
Well, I've not played any of their other titles so far, so I'm only going by what I've seen personally. My assessment may not be at all accurate.
This was one of the few redeeming aspects of the game "Spore" in 2008, IMHO - you could actually see creatures laying their eggs and raising young. Befriending a baby creature was easier than befriending an adult, but if you attacked and ate any of …
Yeah, I'm super bummed that all of this otherwise amazing sounding DLC stuff is going to be totally disconnected from the main story and world. I wanted the option to play as a woman in the core game, because I got sick of male being the default sex…
I have a gift for getting lost in caves *coughlostrivercough*. Beacons sorta fail to be useful in that situation. -
I'm a lifelong gamer. When I was a little girl, video games were still a rather new thing, and I found myself confused and dismayed that games with female protagonists were practically nonexistent. All of the most popular franchises of the era invar…
Alas, I'm having this problem too.
I think it would be so wickedly aweso.e if the planet had sentient aliens.
Definitely... It's annoying how video games always think herbivore = friendly and passive and carnivore = mean and vicious. Carnivores don't chase prey to the ends of the earth, they would give up and look for something easier. Carnivores are also u…
A larger variety of fun parts for making seabases with. And functional beds. Like, have sleeping in one recover health or something.