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  • (Quote)
    That would be a cool gameplay change. Allow gorges to attach 1 hydra to the back of lerks, 2 on fades, and 3 on onos back that shoot any marines within range of them as the onos charges them down!
  • (Quote)
    Your right, it seems maybe the new flamethowers can finally be used to set the ground on fire and damage aliens that walk over it! (hopefully)
  • (Quote)
    Then what weakness for Marines would you recommend to replace it then? (Since aliens have to build on cyst etc) Marines have to lay down carpets lol?
  • (Quote)
    Most times in 5 tech point maps, the most fighting is for the third hive, which can hinder the aliens if marines successfully lock it down. Even if aliens get the third hive up, it doesn't make it a loss for marines as they still g…
  • (Quote)
    And Aliens have to defend 3 hives to get all their upgrades, while marines only have to defend 2. (ideally marines should control 3 tech points to deny aliens third hive upgrades and onos eggs). Marine bases are more tanky, where a…
  • (Quote)
    Good but, not good enough. The enemy needs to cower in fear and submit before the mighty moustache.
  • (Quote)
    Another step closer to gorge monocle and top hats. Excellent.

    in How Unknownworlds Could Generate More Res (IRL) Comment by Slackerat February 2013
  • (Quote)
    Hard to judge in some situations. If you were running and then stealthed nearby, he could have heard you before hand and suspected you were stealth around the corner and just took an experienced guess at where you might be standing…
  • (Quote)
    Gorge mustaches with top hat and monacle pack?
  • Free Mustache DLC for marines? (I would pay for such a DLC even if it wasnt free).
  • (Quote)
    Ad hominems are the last resort of those unwilling to accept alternative choices exist. Relax and good night.

  • edit repost

  • (Quote)
    If you are not getting hit directly by it, its not gonna instant kill you in 2 shots. If you move correctly you can dodge some shotgun shots.

    try playing against decent fade just once

  • (Quote)
    Maybe if dont juke shotgun shots then I can understand why you would want to take carapace. Perfectly fine for you.
  • (Quote)
    You could also die as lerk when you are running away with carapace just when you are about to reach the hive to heal but they shoot you as you are about to enter the hive entrance because you didnt see the marine in the corner but …
  • (Quote)
    For fade yes, the carapace can save their life and is a toss up for regen, however on lerk the 25 armor is a negligible as it is only 50 extra points and it wont make a difference if you get hit directly from 2 shotgun blasts you w…
  • (Quote)
    The extra armor on lerk is 25 from cara, yes you can survive from that in very very few cases when you get surprised but more often then not, the regen will be more useful for lerk in long term survivability.

    In the cas…
  • (Quote)
    If you are playing a lerk properly you should not be taking too many direct damage at once (e.g. biting when they are not looking and avoiding direct shotgun damage), then when the damage stacks up and you only have cara, you have …
  • (Quote)
    Silence is the toss up depending on player skill in most cases, but remember if you go silence early game you have a shade hive over a shift/crag hive, losing regen/cara for your other teammates or the commander loses shifts to mak…
  • (Quote)
    Correct. Every hive has its uses, it depends on the overall team skill/number of players (as you can easily get egg locked as aliens when you have alot of players, that die often) and how effectively they can make use of those upgr…
  • (Quote)
    While you have some good points, the ability to scan and place and observatory can really break the usefulness of cloak/silence first. Unless your team is really good to make use of it effectively.

    Also, if your team lo…
  • (Quote)
    If you are talking about competitive matches then, shade first with silence or carapace first becomes more useful as you expect the players to use it more effectively. In pub play however, you cant always depend on players so the e…
  • (Quote)
    Cara if you ignore the benefits of shift in tactical game saving uses. Celerity and Adrenaline are arguably less useful than carapace, but the emergency eggs more then make up for it when you balance it out.

    But both ar…
  • (Quote)
    If your team is good enough to take all 3 hive points early in the game (marines did not have enough good players), then it doesnt really matter what hive you start with. If you are stuck with only 1 or 2 hives, a shift/crag hive m…
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    Both have uses depending on the map location and team make up.

    However the shift hive like i said earlier provides eggs which can prevent a room from being rushed by marines or the hive being early egg locked (it also h…
  • (Quote)
    Sounds promising mainly for skulks, however the shift hive does not mix as well with higher life forms when you get your second hive. In my opinion this is what the ideal upgrades are if you only have 2 hives.

    I should …
  • Having a High KDR means that they are slowing down the enemy resource gain and slowing their higher life form number on the enemy team. Honestly if your whole team has a terrible KDR rate, it is unlikely to be able to hold onto objectives even if th…
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    I would say tl;dr player skill (which leads to map control) as you obviously wont have much map control if you are constantly dieing to the enemy team at strategic locations.

  • Honestly as it was probably said before, if the marines cant kill the aliens when they are attacking/defending an extractor point. They will lose the game. Teamwork is important but if you cant aim worth a lick as marines enough to kill a skulk, you…
  • (Quote)
    Except an exo is magnitudes more effective at killing other aliens and longer to take down and if they reach a hive can easily shoot it down at long range. So comparing them is like apples to oranges.

    Bilebomb is fine, …