Personally I love it when a lerk thinks they are out of range.... wrrrllwrrrlllwrrrrllwrrllwrrlwrlwrlwrl......PEW! .........splat.
Exo poor ranged accuracy....nope. -
I am at this point now, I've noticed that this is a bit of a trend with my online gaming, I'll hit 200-250 hours in a game and start to lose interest.
I've actually started going back to playing BF3 recently as I have lost a little interest in… -
(Quote) Thats the problem...
imo rookie status should be something like 10 hours or a bit more.
Now 3820x1920 is one hell of a resolution! What size monitors have you got?
(Quote) I experienced some of this over the weekend, though I was able to help most of the comms regarding upgrades and tips etc. Though there were some that just did not listen or respond via voice or txt...which usually ended up in an ejection.…
Good luck with this...I didnt think anyone was still playing on 640 x 480 res..
I know you said you dont want to buy a new gpu but I would urge you to at least have a look as there are plenty sub $100 cards that would kill the gpu you have now. -
Will try. Can only do this for so long before I need to alt-f4 and vent!
170 hours myself...yet to see one aim botter.
I've got an ssd and have streaming turned off as I have noticed a minor performance drop with it on. With the SSD and higher end specs I already load maps fast that 90% of others, but there no point going faster as you still have to wait for everyon…
(Quote) +1 to this. I freaking love my G35 (got my gf to buy it for me for xmas one year). Comfy to wear, solid build, good sound quality and the logitech software comes with sound equalizer and voice modding software bundledShould scrape through with everything on low, though its not going to be a great experience... Laptops and gaming are just no good.Post up your current specs and we will go from there...Hi Guys,
I am finding that the game is crashing randomly at times and am lucky to through a whole round through…