Thanks guys it was a bit of a spoiler but in about a 100 hours of gameplay ive never seen that happen before so I don't know if I ever would of worked out what it was
l I can't quite make out what the audio says sounds like a women telling me to move closer to something and the animation looks kind of trippy lol if anyone else has any idea please let me know
hey @XXXgrapes thanks for your advice ive been trying out your technique and fingers crossed its stil loading it isnt a super long save yet but considering my last c…
i cant justify spending anymore time on it till this issue is fixed i love this game but i dont have hours at a time to spend playing so if saving doesnt work im never going to get anywhere in the game ive never even built a cyclops yet as my saves …
all 4 of my saves ive made since buying the game have corrupted @Charlie_ and i never used any commands 1st was a 12hr survival 2nd was a 17hr survival 3rd was a 27hr…
Three times it's happened to me first was on a 12 hour save second on a 17 hour save and just happened again on a 20 hour save!! All the other bugs and glitches in game I can handle but all this wasted time really puts me off playing again it's demo…