Awesome, Frraksurred. I look forward to seeing it in game.
That is precisely what the different game modes are for. Survival is meant for players like myself who want a more immersive experience, where it is easier to pretend we are really on this alien world. I do not consider this masoch… -
I would say then that Survival mode isn't for you. It's all about realistic resource management. And as it is, the O2 and Hunger meters are rather meaningless when we can carry as many O2 tanks as we want (early game the meter is a… -
Lots of great ideas in here and cool pictures, but my impression so far is that we will be given more consoles and modules which we can use to spec out a room however we want, rather than prefab rooms as you suggest. That could always change though.…
If by scenarios you mean random events, I very much second that. Currently the game feels very static and predictable. Once you've seen something, it's over. Supposedly they are planning to eventually have creatures attack our bases so that could be…
I build my bases for the views they provide. Got one in each biome I like, but the following two are my favorites. Koosh Base and Grand Reef Base:Talking about Creepvine, I wish it tangled us and our subs up if we passed right through it, like real seaweed. Realistic environmental hazards are always good imo. If you can't power your way through it (which should tear and ruin the creepvine as …Great idea, but I agree it should be part of late game polishing. It would also be nice if we had the option of cleaning our now life-encrusted bases, directly with a tool or let base automation handle it; cleaning robots, perhaps?Lol, actually Bugzapper my suggestion here would result in the number of storage lockers being halved (we can currently fit oh 3-4 dozen? maybe more, never needed to try to build more than 2 dozen), but the ones we could build would look like the aw…(Quote)
Good to know, but I was talking about being able to access the launchers in the moonpool and cyclops directly. Currently we have to undock it and do that in the water, whether that interaction is direct or indirect through the stor…I've noticed a significant drop in performance since the last update and would love video options where I could adjust things. Though I personally find the current sound settings perfect, we should have the option to tweak them, but honestly there a…I think that would be cool 04LeonHardt, but it wouldn't be useful from a gameplay perspective until there is a "surface biome". Currently there only thing to see above water is the Aurora, the Floater Island, and the Mountain Island. Now if they add…(Quote)
I think that is very cool, but should be a late game feature and you should have to tag them (risking your life) first.Don't worry CMonster0125, unless they change their plans, they have said that the update after the next one (the H2.O/ water update) will be "farming", though we don't know what that actually entails. They have also previously discussed/hinted at ou…The term you seek, Marut, is cnidarian. I used it in my post just before your's where I said much the same you just did.
I would say that for all we know the Rock Puncher (whose animations have begun, so its safe to say it's planned, and which is based off the mantis shrimp) may do something similar. Even if it doesn't, given the great variety of lif…(Quote)
If this is an "ocean world", there shouldn't be mammals (or true birds for that matter) as those could only evolve on land (at least a small continent, a few tiny islands probably wouldn't be enough), since warm bloodedness is thei…I think we only have a single giant plant so far, creepvine, which presumably like green kelp on Earth is a kind of green algae, the only kind of algae considered a plant, and is just suggesting more giant plants in the game, which I think would be …I would assume by its name that this accumulator will be taking over the role of storing the power generated by our solar panels, etc, not that it would be used to recharge anything. Currently it doesn't make sense that our small power generators bo…Just fyi, this was recently discussed here: But as I didn't mention…I have noticed the same thing on my last two times near the Aurora's west side and over in the Dunes while intentionally trying to find some. I assumed I had just been unlucky, but maybe it is a bug?This discussion has given me several ideas. I love hunting for fragments, and I know their current model is just a placeholder, but it doesn't make sense that fragments of these objects (piece of a sea moth, cyclops, or especially moon pool), which …I for one leave the pod where it is and use it as a beacon for the central Safe Shallows and if I build a base nearby, for that base. The only thing I'ld really like to happen with it is for the medkit locker to start with a medkit or two (which I t…(Quote)
I'm not a biologist, so for all I know that is all it takes, but it's still gotta eat. I do know that the abyssal plain (where we find most or all our cool "alien" transparent, bio-luminescent animals), on Earth at least, is "only"…I think even the Reapers should be able to directly damage the Cyclops, though not that much since it is meant to be heavily armored for deep see diving. Sea Dragons and Sea Emperors should each do even more damage and I love the idea of both of the…Agreed, but once we have a nice mix of all sizes, I hope they continue to add new creatures to each size category for future diversity.(Quote)
Damn, this planet is pretty alien then, because our deepest ocean "only" goes down to almost 11km at the Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench. Not to mention an explanation for how such a massive creature makes a living so deep, …Good idea, but I would say that the planned Cave Crab (or whatever its name ends up being) is based on a fiddler crab (plus a snail, because Subnauticain Critter Idea: Bulwark Crab Comment by Sojo September 2015
It may just be a rumor, but I think I've read that our bases getting attacked is something they are considering/planning one day already. Although, using mucus defensively is probably newin Base defense Comment by Sojo September 2015
Bebete_Master, I very much agree, and those drawings are adorable! Also, your grammar and punctuation is better than most native English speakers' on the internet