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  • (Quote)
    That is indeed disappointing but in no way takes away from the present experience of the game.

    Still, for many of us, it would be far improved if there were a female representation in the game.

    And since som…
  • (Quote)
    100% agreed. Thank you. Excellent post. Again, I was just honestly shocked that people came out so vehemently against it.

    And Kouji_San, it happens. I clearly misread the intent and meaning of *your* post, so …
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    You say, 'we', as if the collective was doing only that. Yet a quick re-read of the posts will reveal that most of the posters were not doing that. And the person who DID first provide the link, I thanked them and even applauded …
  • (Quote)
    That's an interesting argument. But then that brings up the whole loss of bone density and strength from being in space/weightless even a moderate amount of time (
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    Yes they have. And you've cherry-picked from my post.

    I'm only responding to strangely continual arguments that people feel for some reason compelled to post *against* the inclusion of a female avatar or the opinion of…
  • (Quote)
    I had a response to this? But I'm honestly not sure where you're going with it. Thank you for the response regardless.

    I personally don't think the male form is too far idealized and the exaggerations don't hurt my im…
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    No one is saying anything *must* be forced. Nor is anyone saying something *must* occur to achieve parity. This isn't about equal rights or the inherent bias in any social system towards males.

    This is simply a …
  • If you read the article I linked, it lays it out rather well. Though you do bring up good points on the lack of visible artifacts to the player, it's still something many of us do feel would add value to the game. We can identify much better with …
  • (Quote)
    You miss the point and FirstEd, with good intentions, didn't present it perfectly.

    He's simply stating (as I am), that a female avatar would be welcome. And even more welcome would be if it didn't conform to this stran…
  • (Quote)
    Thank you for the link.

    At least she has hips. Keep up the good work devs.

  • So, I'm the one who shared the information with FirstEd as an offhand remark. But if we're going to get nit picky...

    First, not having a female avatar does have a non-trivial impact on women playing games ( in Female Avatar Option Plz Comment by SoundAwake July 2017