My remake of NS1 will be out in just 5 years time! Unity engine. -
(Quote) You still need ambient occlusion when baking. Shadowed areas can still look flat without it. Modern realtime/baked AO techniques can limit themselves to shadowed areas only. NS2's just applies everywhere.
- Lerks carrying gorges
- Underwater tunnel perfect to fit 20 defense chambers so the game would never end
- Elevators and useable doors
- No alien commander or gorge tunnels
(Quote) I don't mean the original UWE team, but a community dev team with a few paid members like right now.
(Quote) I think it should be.
Reduce marine res tower HP and bring back electrify.
#RollBackToNS1 -
(Quote) Lack of game understanding. A UI redesign would help with some type of swing meter of "known enemy RT's" and your own RT's. Dots in the bottom right corner aren't going to cut it.
in What is so horrible about the NS2 experience... Comment by Stardog August 2016
ARCHITECT (INTJ-T). Samantha Power, Christopher Nolan, Colin Powell, Elon Musk.
(Quote) Were all you teammates formerly 5%'ers then?
Could be fun.
Weapon select needs work in general. For aliens it should have the names of everything underneath the number. I've no idea how a beginner would figure out how to guide babblers.
You would just teach them how to play the game in RTS mode only.
(Quote) Well it just led me to quit a server, so it's not working. I had to just sit in Topographical alone... Dumb change.
(Quote) It's all about the feels. Sid Meier had to redesign Civilisation's combat because the math said that a soldier with 5 hitpoints can lose fairly regularly to one with only 3, but that's not satsfying, so he changed it so that the soldier w…
(Quote) I don't see smurfs very often, but I always see 2500+ rated players winning a round on their own almost every game. If they join marines, marines will win.
That's my main reason for quitting, not so much team imbalance, just o… -
Skulks need a wider bite range.
(Quote) Exactly.
(Quote) Skill level at what?
I'm making (Quote) You make some good points here.
The popularity of these games often comes down to the company that publishes it, the money they have, and the amount of coverage they can get on news websites. They're the same reasons… -
(Quote) I don't get what your point is. 90% of them play on Wooza's server and what...?
Those 50+ people are ~20%+- of the entire remaining player base. -
(Quote) When your individual stats are worse.
You'd rate Griezmann lower because France lost the final of Euro 2016? It makes zero sense. -
How about not reducing hive score when losing? You're not any less skilled than before you played that match.
(Quote) Or restrict it to 3 hives. Remember back when losing a hive mattered and it wouldn't just be rebuilt in 25 seconds?
It's almost like NS1 had all the right ideas. -
(Quote) I have to disagree. I'm for it going batshit insane.
(Quote) Lights + Deferred rendering are the worst issues for me. I've been doing experiments in Unity and using Forward Rendering + lightmaps I can get 1.5-2ms at 900p, whereas in NS2 I can barely scrape 60fps most of the time at 720p. In Unity I…
Just remove cysts altogether. Let gorges built wherever they want. Roll back to NS1.
Yeah, put the ping number back.
Edit (After reading the explanation of why it was changed): Yeah, still, put the numbers back. -
(Quote) They moved on ages ago. It's the CDT making everything now, isn't it?
That's the re… -
Lerks deserved to be nerfed anyway. They don't even have gravity to contend with, unlike NS1. Still awaiting fade nerfs.
(Quote) Make hydras and webs more powerful. They're useless right now. Hydras should be a large object you can't jump over, so 3 could block a corridor. Webs should work as they did in NS1 where you can tangle a marine semi permanently if one-on-…