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  • (Quote)
    Maybe the execution was done wrong, the marines shouldn't be able to spam the melee function, I'd say something like 1 melee attack every 1.5 seconds would be balanced compared to Aliens being able to melee faster.
  • (Quote)
    Bunny jumping should be disabled, they should feature a knock back system with the current rifle melee.

    If a Alien gets close to a marine, they should have the advantage, they worked hard to get close to the marine, it …
  • In truth, I always never liked seeing Marines able to jump so easy away from Aliens. The game looks impressive, and the bunny hopping marines ruin the immersion. I think the game would do better overall removing the ability for marines to jump or ru…
  • In case many of you are unaware, most of the automatic dynamic atmospheric sounds are client sided or team sided, you can specifically code in sounds where only your team hears it, or both parties hears it, or only you hear it. It just depends on th…
  • (Quote)
    COD was one of the games that came to mind, other games have this type of dynamic sound design, BF3 does, AA:PG, Rising Storm, GTA4, and more.
  • Why don't they make this game mode to be a official part of NS? I've always wanted to play this type of game mode during the original NS.

    The mechanic of having a Commander organize and command in traditional RTS with FPS soldiers is a g…