Nope, no reason to argue the point, he's absolutely right! @JustAHat forever wins in my book!in Funny Subnautica pictures and memes Comment by Tarkannen October 2018
Unity is an amazing game engine. Just check out all of the games that Unity gives life to in addition to Subnautica: HearthStone, Firewatch, Stranded De… -
I voted for Marblemelon as it was one of the actual choices, but I still stand by the Creepvine as my primary foodsource choice, due to my reasoning from in If you could eat any of these food items from Subnautica what would you pick. Comment by Tarkannen August 2018
in Does the Arctic really have to be its own Game Mode? (Some spoilers) Comment by Tarkannen July 2018
I've always seen them to be used in a fashion like pontoon boats, where once repaired they can skim across the surface of the water. It would be nice if they could be piloted around, since much of the early game entails drudging ac… -
It is true that I'm a male IRL, but that simple misunderstanding is the best compliment anyone's given me. You've absolutely made my day, @kingkuma!… -
I have to disagree with you there, buddy. It all depends on the game of course, but certain games were designed with controller use in mind. Final Fantasy XI can be played on PC with a mouse and keyboard, but it plays oh so … -
(I'm sorry, I couldn't resist... I regret nothi… -
Only where matters of the Cuddlefish is concerned... I'm not completely heartless, though... -
Just out of curiosity, how would that work? I mean I understand your request, but how would the game/computer/OS differentiate a .JPG game screenshot and a .JPG real-life photo? I myself have used Steam's Screenshot cloud storage t… -
I don't care about the days and nights being equal or uneven, that has noth… -
Well, I couldn't find any information on the SN wiki and I didn't want to test it myself (I'm holding off from playing SN anymore until 1.0 launches). The third SteamCommunity link I provided (" in Transfuser still planned, because it sounds AWESOME Comment by Tarkannen January 2018 -
I once got into a heated devate with a friend for how physical media (me) is better than digital download (him). He stated that he can buy a game online, download and install it, and have it ready to play in just a few hours. Meanw… -
I had to chime in here regarding this comment; once again TVTropes.org has two great tropes focusing on this very issue:
1. Brand Nam… -
Even though it's obvious that the Koosh Bulb Bushes were inspired by Koosh Balls, it's a shame that UWE had to rename them in order to avoid possible lawsuit issues. Although, I am impressed with UWE's honor and sensibilities in ma… -
I realize that a retail release of Subnautica, as awesome as it would be, wouldn't be feasible to do what with the cost of production and all. Even in this modern age of digital download and access platforms such as Steam, physical… -
I for one, have been waiting patiently for them to finish the Transfuser and implement it into the game. They even went so far as to add the tool, the sequencer and DNA samples into the game (all with functional animations and logic). This to me bod…
I know this isn't a fix, but you can use the console command NODAMAGE to maneuver the Cyclops to a depth that won't immediately kill it. As for the Mk. III device... you might have to start a new game to "restore" it? Or at the ver… -
Well, wrecks from the Aurora are not native to Planet 4546B, since obviously the ship isn't naturally found there. As such, it should make sense that it would be easier to find pieces of the broken ship across the planet's surface.… -
Once in a savegame I would have dozens of Stalker Teeth (and I literally mean dozens) that spawned around 0 0 0. I would pick them up to use for crafting, only to have just as many appear again when I swam through the area again. You'd think free St…
I'm glad to see that the Air Bladder has finally been fixed. It may not be "as useful" now than before, at least it's more logical and realistic in its function. It used to drive me crazy that how it acted before. I could inflate t… -
Hell... It's about time!! -
So wait... Does this mean that my wish for the bugged Reinforcements installed in *coff* "corners" *coff* of MP Rooms are f… -
Is there some way I can buy the soundtrack for Subnautica on disc when the game launches? I realize that the soundtrack will likely be available to Experimental testers once 1.0 goes live, but I'm more interested in getting a live … -
My nearly eight-year old Dell Inspiron desktop with a 2.2 GHz dual-core processor and 4GB of memory ALSO could run Subnautica 18 months ago, and quite well I might add. But over time since then as the game's engine was chang… -
I'd rather they instead add a realistic sleep/fatigue system to the game before they consider adding a realistic depth/pressure system. Sure, a real human couldn't really survive 1500 meters below sea level outside of a vehi… -
Because the Phoenix was Zephram Cochrane's first "starship" (that itself was retro-fitted from an old rocket ship) which had his experimental warp drive engines installed. As he (and Riker) were the first to ever achieve FTL space …