that's a stream error, not game related. see here:
generally, it's a … -
Did you accidentally paste that email in there? -
But... the space ship?
But NG servers are ok!
24 full time players + 1 reserved slot still technically counts as 24 players maxin 32 man servers #2 always crashes a few minutes in, but not #1 Comment by TechnIckS May 2013
Something wrong w/ DAK Admin? It's great for all the functionality it has. Is there a way for shine to compliment it? I feel that i want to use features from both! Really! -
FU**ING THANK YOU. I have been waiting for ages for a guide. This should fix like 99% of issues with mods. And game files. And consistency if you unsubscribed those green skulk modsin Problème d'accès aux serveurs NS2 Comment by TechnIckS May 2013
I'd love to help you... but I don't quite understand... anything.
Can anyone translate from French to English? I'm on a phone, kinda hard to Google translate! -
I just want the badges and assists lol
Try this: toggle steam cloud setting storage off/on/off a couple times. leave it off. erase ns2 appdata folder one last time. now try to join a server.
Did it work? -
wait are you hosting these or trying to join them?
Lol Flux +1 haha!
Agreed. It's getting harder and harder to find time for anything...
I don't know about that... depending on ns2stats isnt a great idea imo... -
I'm working on a standalone badge mod - based on ns2stats. I'll post it in modding section once it's done! don't hold your breath though!
Hey bud! You need to understand why we use overclocked i7s (and sometimes i5s). Please do more research on multithreading and ns2 as it would take to long to type this from my phone! also look into the difference between lua based games and a game l…
I love you dude!
I like the comparison between sc1 and ns2. They are indeed very similar games! you know, like a tricycle and a space ship!
you and Dragon should work together instead of competing with each other. I think this would make both mods together EPIC!
+1 for above!
Looks like there are some issues with the new release (246) - any ETA on update? We had to turn it off for now
(unable t… -
Updated to latest build. Works great as of the time stamp of this post.
Doesn't always work - better leave disabled until its fixed. While that fixed my issue, others started having the issue with the new combination of mods i made. So regardless there's an issue somewhere that needs fixing quick. -
I ended up copying your mod's files and all the other mods' files that i am using and making a big package with all - that fixed the issue, no more errors. THere are still here and there players that complain about it not working 100% of the time bu…
You are not alone. I get the same thing.
When an UNSUBSCRIBED mod automatically gets downloaded when joining a modded server, upon exiting NS2, NOT ALL MOD FILES GET ERASED.
In the case of NS2Stats, sound/killstreaks.fsb, sou… -
can't... stop... laughing.... IronHorse Reference "Bees now properly defend the Hive"...
Best way to experience it is to try it. It's a free weekend, so... go ahead, enjoy this wonderful work of art we call Natural SelectionIf it's most of the time around 30 and issue still persists, ask other players if they have the same issue. Sometimes it's client related as well.After 8 hours of noob teaching - i am finally going to sleep.
NO DONT ATTACK ALONE!!!!!! Oh wait... still having flashbacks.What!? Noone said FIRST!?