Looks like it's about to break out into some joyous song "OOOOoooOOOoohhh... the sea is so lovely today..."
Your mileage may vary. Nice topic starter though. I stopped playing after I got hooked on FO4 again; I'll come back to it post 1.0. The story has a straightforward goal and motivation, nice small rich world. Of course I also liked … -
I have to say Subnautica has the best early access bugs. Buildings that leak water and flood above ground. Reapers that attack and carry you out of the air and keep swimming away, fish that swim inside your base...now this one.The heck with making a rocket to go home, I wanna make things go boom. Hmmm...how far can I depress that gun..."Here reaper, reaper, reaper. Remember me? I'm the guy who's seamoth you trashed. Fzzzzzz....BOOM!"
Yeah probably better I not get o…(Quote)
Or freak you out if the shadow of a reaper blots out the light.I think in game design, the urge to go huge is a noob mistake. Look at Bethesda, their first game Elder Scrolls was huge as in you could never, ever explore all of it but there wasn't a point. As games went on the game worlds got smaller, more inten…We're arguing points over a still very fluid game designSilver *is* rare but I see that as a play balance thing. I think once…
...and I'll wait until its $20 and loaded with all those features.Yes, it is too salty. Can I get one with less salt please?Hmm crashfish pet. Probably need dozens to play catch. "Ok, catch the rock boy, go get it...good... *boom* ...boy. "Use for a larva? A hat? Maybe two for a pair of slippers so you don't have to step on the cold metal floor of your base? Squish, squish, squish...I'm really only afraid of reapers when I'm not in a sub or when reapers start swimming through the terrain. Of the later they are terrifying in that they'll drag your exosuit through the terrain and into the endless void of no return. Although I do …Two different mindsets; my son loves respawn, easier doesn't like the challenge. He wants to upgrade and explore not so keen on survival. I like it all interconnnected; you need to explore because you're depleting local resources so upgrade, explore…I really believe procedural content has a place as long as you put depth into it; that is if you have a creature it not only has random parts but a random persona with an AI that meshes with that persona and that it interacts with the biome it "live…NooOOOoo.. not that extreme. Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley + Subnautica = "Hey, did you hear? That guy from Life Pod 7 is dating that Behemoth slut over by the Aurora"I'll post a pic. It's structure damage where water pours in above water after the rest of the building is damaged. Really kinda funny once you see itI agree, totally destroyed the intro scene. Although it was kinda funny "Hey ummm guys my escape pod has water in it. Why does my escape pod have water in it? This is bad. Wait, who built this thing? The panel on the pod just falls off and why the h…I just made my base a lot, lot smaller. A solar panel, a tube and a hatch. Done. Gave me an idea, now I build mini bases all over the place on the cheap (basically recharge and food storage bunkers). Not something for the claustrophobic but it works…Just make the surface plants require watering and the aquafarming require food. Maybe not make it a chore but make it so you have to plant certain species of "plants" in aquariums for the fish to eat. The amount of fish that spawn would depend on av…Please make it really simple to use. Currently I'm inept, usually make a big floating pipe noodle ball then give up and make an extra dive tank.The fish puns are coming in spades about this issue.
I see the spadefish as inspired by the real world Bothriolepis, so I guess nature makes dumb looking things tooin Change or get rid of the spade fish Comment by Tetrapod August 2016
I have the perfect solution. Play the game on an IMAX screen. Problem solved, everything will be really freaking huge. Even the little glowing shrimp will be terrifying in size.in A big problem of Subnautica's basic "looks" Comment by Tetrapod August 2016
Rapid mineralization would have to happen from calciferous deposition by microbes/algae or hot spring mud but disarticulation by decay is still faster and happens even with rapid burial. Neat idea though. Usually the ligments contr…(Quote)
I say the level developer built a cave around it, forgot about it and like a bad aqarium owner let it die of starvationIs then now?!?(Quote)
Numerically 10 meters to me is huge, if you are used to feet than yes you have to avoid the mistake of assuming 10 feet. They could change everything to milimeters but then who gets granular on a depth gauge? "Now passing 23,342 mi…(Quote) Too small to serve a function of defence or utility. Probably sexual (male or female) species differentiation. If the later then that meant there was more than one species that had the same body plan.
Or because who ever creat…You guys are all funny making conjecture on some 3d model that an artist said "Oh that looks cool!".
Here's some takeaway (repeating come obvious points and kudos to those here with background in anatomy)
1. No jaw articulation. Zi…