@CAPSHAW Thanks. I think my current method is working at the moment though. (See original post) (Quote)
This method has been working for me.…
@CAPSHAW How do you switch to creative?Console commands? (Quote)
@Shotout Do you disconnect your whole xbox from internet or is there a no cloud saving option or...? (Quote)
1. The thumbnail looks fine.
2. It appears a few seconds into loading before the percentage amount can show up.
3. Nope. I have a normal Xbox One S 2 tb. Nothing plugged into it or anything.
(Quote) -
1.This has happened on old and new saves for me.
2.It has happened to me twice on survival. I was screwing around in a creative world and it didn't don't happen.
3. It may just be a coincidence, but it didn't happen until aft… -
This is happening to tons of other people. It seems there is currently no fix for it. Well probably have to wait for a game patch to come out. /:
I don't think anyone knows how or if there even is a fix at the moment. I was discussing it with people in a couple other threads and nobody had fixed it. I think we might just have to wait for a game patch.
in "Save Data loading failed" - How do I fix this? Comment by ThatIsaacGuy February 2017
Comment of the Year Award 2017 (Quote)
The problem isn't that it isn't compatible with some saves. The problem is that even new saves created won't load. I don't expect the game to be bug free, but not being able to play the game is a pretty large bug. (Technically I can play I just have…
Their problem seems to be a bit different from mine and other people's, but maybe they are similar enough that they will have the same fix. (Quote)
I really don't think starting it previous to the update or the resources really had anything to do with the save not loading, but I can see your point I suppose. (Quote)
Probably because it's not good to accept that it might happen and instead make sure it doesnt. (Quote)
Other people further up mentioned that it has happened a second time. It happened to me from a save before the update, but I made a new one and it happened again. If I misunderstood your question tell me. (Quote)
The same exact thing is happening to me. I feel as if they will fix it soon because of the huge number of people on the forums talking about the issue. (Quote)
What's our issue then? (Quote)
My game doesn't freeze, but I restarted it when I noticed the quartz was gone. Sure enough when I came back this happened to me as well. It has now happened twice since the save. The quartz thig only happened in one of them unless I wasn't paying at…
Not sure if I'm using quote correctly because this is my first time in the forum, but I am also having the exact same issue. Anyone that could help would be a life saver. This has now happened to me on two different saves. One with 8 hours and the o…