So I'll break this down.
You've all said: Yes this game is broken and some people can abuse it, but we aren't going to change it because high skill is more fun for me.
Keep your dead game. -
It would be interesting to see how many over people were sitting in the lobby waiting for a few server slots to open up. A chat box that you could see the online users in would be a nice addition. Obviously it would have to be loca… -
(Quote) Considering the rate that the regular game is dying, I'm sure anything to make the game different/interesting will bring people back. Game mode mods die because most of the time they are too complex or change the game too much.
(Quote) I'm a dev on a source mod (PVKii). The mod has barely any players these days (just under 50 when I just checked) and suffers from similar problems as NS2 (veteran players are too good, new players don't understand ect). Adding new content…
(Quote) As I said above, not random changes but ideas that have been left behind or weapons that have been forgotten.
After all it would be a mod, the community would decide what might change. It would be fun trying to create some dif… -
(Quote) I wrote a load of stuff and deleted it because I wasn't saying anything that hasn't already being mentioned. I personally don't think the blame is on any particular person and I know the frustration of finding a game all too well (even I'…
I've hit my skill limit. I've played 400 hours or so and I'm pretty good at the planning and commanding but just above average at everything else.
My ideal game is one where it lasts about 30 minutes, there is a bit of … -
"I ask for upgrades to help the marine team stick together and this is what you give me?!"
I've used the webs a couple of times but I have to agree with the majority. They come into play far too late to be of any real use. -
(Quote) I don't personally like the sound of 'roots', but I do like the ideas behind the name.
Perhaps changing the idea to 'Rooted', as in 'Natural Selection 2: Rooted'.
It's original, sounds pretty cool and… -
Here is an idea to make Carapace an option and not an obvious choice (of course without making it useless).The armour from Carapace becomes an individual entity. Works in the exact the same way as normal Carapace until you rece…Any chance I can get that awesome Last Stand image as a wallpaper background?Maybe the scan takes a few seconds to reveal camo'd aliens. Essentially camo would give you a reveal delay, but if you escaped the scan range you wouldn't be revealed at all (apart from if you make noise of course). For example this would show campi…You can use this method to temporarily disable 'Alt-Tab' while playing the game (I had the same problem and decided to do a…A possible compromise could be to have the commander ejected when the emergency power comes online (the red lighting). Lore wise it's like the commander chair sucks the last bit of power from the room.
It would not only allow the command…I disagree with ranking completely. For me it is a crutch bad games use, it could turn NS2 into a metagame of stats and false information.
BF3, Killing Floor and other games with leveling systems need this kind of progression. I'm not sa…(Quote)
Why didn't I think of that!
Well here it is, in it's gear based glory.I can only agree with this, changing the pickup weapon key to 'E' or allowing it to be separate from the drop weapon key would be a very helpful change.