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  • I just wish I could get the pieces I want independent of tiers. The few cosmetics items I'm interested are only in the tiers that cost way more than I can afford. I'm interested in supporting UWE additionally but there's no balance between the trink…
  • (Quote)
    Reduces effectiveness but not useless. I get plenty of kills while the flamer is trying to suppress my gas and he's not busy shooting my allies. I'ts not a hard counter to the AOE that spore can provide.
  • @Walsa

    I logged in to basically post this. UWE needs to work with the community to hammer out some of the wrinkles in the system that drive people nuts. This…
  • I rarely see hallucinations and I don't know that I've ever seen an echo. I agree with @sotanaht.

    Ink can be awesome, I've kept the old deposit (mineshaft…
  • ^ Something has to be done to address this if we want to keep glancing bites. If I have to explain to a new player one more time there's no headshots!!
  • (Quote)
    What's wrong with 1 more button? Don't use it if it's too much for you, there are ways around the team-chat style limitations that you could use and I doubt anyone would look down on you for it.

    Assuming a it could be a…
  • Excellent usability suggestion
  • That's a huge boost though...I wonder if there's a middle ground that could be reached since performance is such an issue for so many people.
  • I like TG. They have a balance mod that throws people on teams based on win:loss history (for the server) and it seems to do a pretty decent job of preventing stacks. Just randomizing the teams doesn't help anything for reasons that were mentioned e…
  • Or play on a decent server, hop around until you find a community that you like. That's the advantage of the server system.
  • (Quote)
    Considering the modability of the game I'd hope someone could get it working without a huge outpouring of the Devs own time. That's what makes communities like ours rad.
    in Oculus Rift Comment by Tinker June 2013
  • Mouth breathers. ugh...

    Open mic just means I need to mute people who might be saying important things.
  • A timer on the kill command. It's not a new trick to deny kills and it's been handled long ago. If they can predict their death by 3-6 seconds then they deserve to deny you :P
    in About Combat Comment by Tinker May 2013
  • Of course the don't advertise that a mic is of great importance to their team game. That's because it goes without saying.

    Are team games greatly improved with mics? Yes.
    Is this a team game? Yes.
    Therefore this team game wil…
  • Where have you been for the last 12 years that the importance of a mic in game is news to you?

    Literally any team game can be assumed to be enhanced with a mic, either through in game systems or 3rd party VoiP programs.
  • (Quote)
    If that's the case, then maybe you should have read the post before posting a reply. Your comment is nothing but rude and inflammatory while making it clear that you either didn't actually read the post, or you read it and went out…
  • Chris, you are not forced to learn Bhop. There were many people who were VERY good who never bhopped in NS1. It's a tool you can add to your toolbox. Not learning it means you have less tools for closing distance and will have to rely on playing sma…
  • I've played the mod and enjoyed it. It's really good.

    I also played NS1 for years and never b-hopped and did very well as skulk. You don't have to do it to do well, but if you can you have more options. I'd rather not see mechanics that …
  • I would never play on that server.
    You're doing well, here's a penalty.

    Tactical gamer uses a balance mod that tracks players wins on the server and puts teams together that way (When triggered by an admin). It's not perfect but it…
  • (Quote)
    Herp Derp, I've been in overdrive the last few weeks and my brain is paying the price. I pulled up to pump 1 at a gas station but had a fiver in my hand so I put the money on that pump and had to move my car. I hope it's not Alzhei…
  • I naturally hold down crouch as a skulk in combat when I'm trying maneuver certain ways (some times I don't want the sticky) and also to drop when ambushing as IronHorse said. I'm against that as a change personally. I've been too busy to play latel…
  • (Quote)
    Close he'd get precisely 3 shots at .9 seconds per shot while the skulk gets 5 bites. That's assuming they are already at weapons three. I'd like emphasize I'm not opposed to modifying the shotgun but I'm not sure how you'd go abou…
  • Do people really bitch (complain) about 40-60 FPS? Good god, I played for years on an old machine that could barely choke out 35 on a good day in source mods and it was completely playable. The only time I had issues was poorly optimized mods that r…
  • Shotguns are good at

    1)Killing cyst chains (JP only, like 30 seconds to clear a full path towards a hive)
    2)Lowering energy of lifeforms (Fades and Onos can't retreat as effectively)
    3)Stopping the gas
    4) Finishing…
  • I kill shotgunners fine when I play. They are almost my favorite opponent because you have to play smart and anticipate the need to dodge. I almost never go shotgun because for all the people crying OP, I generally am more effective with the rifle d…
  • That's funny because NS2 is the most fun I have gaming hands down right now. It fills the niche I crave like a junkie and my biggest concern is Balance first (I run the game fine) and Performance second (I want more people to be able to run the game…
  • (Quote) You aren't reporting the same issue here. It makes the sound without jumping when you change surfaces. It's a short click for the marine and complete silence for the skulk. I still do all right but it is a silly bug and I'm glad…
  • This is definitely a biggy. It wouldn't even be a [b]big[/b] deal except the player making the noise can't hear it. That leads to the misunderstandings and frustrations that piratedave experienced.
  • I think the real question is why aren't you showing assists. In a team game where you frequently have to focus fire with your allies to score the important kills assists mark out players that are playing "correctly" and being helpful without necessa…
  • Not enough depth? I'm not sure whether to tag you as a troll or just disagree.

    I've been a serious gamer for way too long, I hate almost all matchmaking systems. The server system allows multiple communities to congregate within the larg…