I fail to see how either classification determines when it's appropriate to stomp rookies. I don't mean "you happen to be a bit better" these are people I've seen playing in pro servers and pugs who are very intentionally playing a… -
Thinking about it:
I'd go a different way than trying to "artificially" force some late game balance. I'd try "gamifying" losing scenarios so that people can still find enjoyment in some aspects of the game. So you lost the game, but now… -
Without universal stat tracking there exist little in the way of implementing a deterrent without significantly affecting game setup/mechanics.
That being said I've played countless games where people left for any number of valid reasons… -
This topic has been discussed to death in the Vet forum. The arguments boil down to this:
Despite PuGs and Clans existing there are not enough players for skilled players to only play against each other and avoid public/rookie friendly games. … -
Forcing people who got stomped, who admitted defeat, to become unarmed and raped at the whim of the winning team absolutely will not help the already buttfuckingly insane lack of player retention we have as a community...
Something like … -
Better not be spending the reinforcement money on the community tournament in any way.
I'm not convinced that stimulating the competitive scene will actually increase our playerbase in any significant quantity. There are too many outstan… -
No OP.
It's like Starcraft, there is a certain etiquette to playing the game. If you're in a losing situation, and your team can't get its shit together then concede and GG. You were outplayed, gg, and start a new match instead of wastin… -
Let me guess: stat tracking, much needed browser updates, matchmaking, some blurb about the next big update being a few months off, a comment about how we're the greatest community for donating to reinforced, and god willing there will be gorge plus…
pls D-Koi pls
Whatever happened to asymmetric warfare? People telling aliens that old AV was easy mode, continuing to say that people should become "skilled" to play aliens, why shouldn't we accept the opposite argument: That marines should have to "get skilled,…
I'm all for self regulation, servers shouldn't kick or ban people because they are skilled. However skilled players should be aware of the potential effects their interactions have on the community in the long run. You're absolutely kidding yourself…
I'm going to repost this every time I see an F2P thread:
I am vehemently opposed to making NS2 F2P.
Those communities are the absolute worst, their pay structures are a plague on modern gaming, and the inevitable 50,000 skins… -
That mod is exactly what I'm looking for in a server browser.
The amount given in support of NS2 should indicate some kind of progress. Not everyone can drop $75 at a single time, maybe someone wants to donate $5 one week, and then 3 weeks later when they're doing well they want to donate $70. There's a lot of…
Please stop making strawman type arguments to dodge a legitimate grievance. Noone is telling people they cannot play or that they are evil for playing.
No that's really not how it works. Someone goes 40:2, and the server empties out, noone stays to learn. -
Play PUGs with other elites, dial it back and focus primarily on teaching when it comes to public servers. I'm sorry you might not agree, but it's still a problem one month on from the last post in this thread. I'll start screen capping servers that…
I will probably gut someone like a trout if an extra tier is released with a plushie incentive, with no existing upgrade options available. Why not just sell plushies in the store at a reasonable markup?
Allowing heavyweight champs to dominate against babies who don't know how to put their gloves on is only further destroying our community retention. There's no better way to burn normal players, and empty out servers than for one or two elites to ju…
What really bothers me are these people who call others all kinds of names and whine every time a vote to concede has started. It's like Starcraft: When you've been outplayed, and are going to lose, GG and concede. Despite however the match went I e…
I certainly don't want to be a dick, especially because I can't play the game nearly 1/10th as well as any of the individuals in today's matches, but it seemed very one-sided. Saunamen pretty much ran every game, controlling the flow, keeping Snails…
I don't understand why they make ANY sound when idle, the marines don't need to know I'm waiting for them in the next room. It makes sense to have audible noise when moving, not when sitting idle. -
Old AV was significantly less cluttered, it was much easier to pick out enemy players and buildings. Now I have a hard time distinguishing enemy players from terrain/surroundings. I'd like a different color outline, or a thicker outline to enemy pla…
marine strafe-jump is as fast as the leap speed? That explains a lot. They fixing this yet?
Without a doubt I would have, I'll settle for shadow instead.
I wonder how much of that $8,000,000 is profit. I really enjoyed the video, the things said in it really reinforced my opinion of Unknown Worlds as being stellar.
I completely disagree, I donated because I support the devs and want to see more work go into developing the game, not because I wanted $75 skins. -
Sounds like an expanded persistent form of Red Orchestra 2's campaign multiplayer. In Ro2 campaign multiplayer you join a team, and play with that team for the duration of the campaign. People are allowed to drop in and out at any point in time. Bot…
I am vehemently opposed to making NS2 F2P.
Those communities are the absolute worst, their pay structures are a plague on modern gaming, and the inevitable 50,000 skins and collectible items make games an eyesore. I would rather donate a…