If it happens at least wait for the game to be smooth solo
(Quote) Yes
The reason why there is no auto save is because if the game saves when you are stuck in a wall, you will never be able to go back. your progress will be dead forever.
Many people says it can take up to a week or two but for Ark it takes around 1 day or 2. -
(Quote) #LOL
Yes august was the target but the exosuit update was planned for may so they are late. but it is almost sure that the game will release this year.
Even the devs are not sure but this will probably be this year. very probably
That's quite annoying ! -
Blood oil is useful to make reinforced dive suit and deep shroom seems to be able to make an alternative bleach. -
Yeah this will not erase your data I BELIEVE
Don't worry, we're just trolling
Oh, if there is no one tomorrow, this is a miracle -
This thread is becoming bullshit, but after all, the beginning question was stupid
If you restart a game, maybe. or if you re install the game.
this could help other people.
You just have to disable the torpedoes (or anything else) after use.
(Tu n'as qu'a prendre l 'habitude)
In this case, we can't do anything for you, and considering that there is a way to avoid this "problem", the buttons will probably never change.(Quote)
Ha, i would be like "heloooow my inglish is note very goood sowy " and you would be like " Bonjourrr, excusez mon mauvais français"
So ridiculousin Xbox party group? Comment by Trollolol07 June 2016
That's what i wanted to say(Quote) Sadly
In fact, they havent fixed anything, no update have been done. it's just that the bugs are randomI found a solution
In order to activate the torpedoes, or the electric defense, or even the sonar, you have to choose it in your bar first.
me, for example, i have to hit the right arrow to turn the sonar on, and then i have to hit…(Quote)
Hey guys, you know what, i don't use maps
get rekt
Sadly i'm french so i could hardly speak properlyi would have joined
in Xbox party group? Comment by Trollolol07 June 2016
If you want details, the actual safe depth is 200 meters. after the update, it will be 500m.much nicer
It's true, sometimes i hear them, but most of the time, they are silent. More silent than on the pc version, at least.Flayra said that we won't need upgrading . And if we finally need to, it will appear ON your save slot.
There is no chance you miss it.