I'm gonna give this game a go again off the back of this and the comp mod. +1
I've had the typical misgivings about game direction, business decisions, performance etc. but the uniquely disappointing thing for me (that makes me very unpopular when voiced) is that I think the people working on this game are fundamentally bad a…
Khammander is the single worst thing to grace NS2. What a pity.
Damage falloff is a horrendous idea.
Any reason we couldn't shrink the MACs to 50% of their original size? I don't see why they need to be as big as they are and their size can get frustrating occasionally.
As a noobie, I declare that I find it easier to get kills because now, when I hit what was the 50dmg zone, I now do 75dmgggggg!
Really disappointed with this SOTG. There was a huge dearth in BT knowledge, the hosts were incredibly flippant with their remarks and Sewlek rarely got to speak. Despite Wasabi's good intentions and - uniquely - effort, the show was pretty embarras…
Just don't make them vision obscuring.
Topspeed can be reduced but please don't introduce a deceleration while bunnyhopping. It creates this weirdly unsatisfying sensation.
Chill guys. Build 248 will be worked on 24 hours, EIGHT days a week.
It might not be the cysts in a room per se, but rather the ever-increasing logic demands it places on rounds as more networks exist? I'm not technical enough to know for sure and I can't be arsed to test it but my anecdotal experience from xDragon's…
If lighting and logic-heavy things like the powergrid/infestation are the main culprits for bad performance, why on earth do we have them if they affect the #1 reason for dissatisfaction with the game? It seems like an absolutely crazy tradeoff - an…
With performance as big a sticking point as it is, I would love to see us ruthlessly cut dubious mechanics like cysts. People don't play the game for cysts alone but they do leave the game for performance.
What annoys me more than the breed of idiot gamer wanting everything on a platter is that they choose to spout their putrid views and uninformed crap here of all places. A huge part of what made NS successful was its commitment to - and prioritizati…
NS2 was never a finished product anyway so meh
(Quote)Less necessary, but not obsolete. I think cara will be perfectly acceptable if we can create viable alternatives. Here are some random defensive-ish ideas;Affluence - would be provide no physical bene…To show you how many times you died.You damn NS1 vets! Just because it was in NS1, doesn't mean it should be in NS2! NS1 is not NS2!!!Took a lot longer for "NS is dead" talk back in myyyyy dayyyy.(Quote) Out of curiosity, what didn't work about it?(Quote) Totally agree from an ongoing perspective but flashy lights, big robots, monster-rhinos, infestation - pretty much all things I think are done poorly or offer no value - are the "wows" that make people buy the game in the first …@SewlekHave you considered making arcs "activated" by marines? They can be "deployed", "undeployed" and moved around as normal by the commander but require at leas…(Quote) Regarding crossover: I'm not talking about those that hadn't played for years but those who were actively playing the game during NS2's development. I always knew it was going to be low, but not nearly as low as it has been cons…Be careful of championing those names, Scardy. Not only is the crossover far below what I think would have been reasonably expected, but those paltry few who do play are not exactly happy with where everything's gone and I certainly think the q…IronHorse said:
(Quote) My understanding is that the 10-second delay was one of maybe a dozen crappy solutions to something else *hint hint*in Sewlek's Beta Test Mod Comment by Tweadle May 2013
How about we kill four birds with one stone by getting rid of power, infestation and overblown screen art assets- thereby improving gameplay, visibility and performance- thereby saving the game!!!!Nobody's saying it's shameful, just that the decision to try to appeal to a wider audience has probably diluted the quality of the game.(Quote) I just think that too much time went into trying to make the game look great and sound cool. Exos are just gimmicky robots that make weak players feel awesome. Infestation and Powergrids sound great on paper and add atmosphere but are sur…