Thanks Obraxis, just wondered cause had just gotten updated drivers on my graphics card (auto update).
The survivor can have a temperature gauge, it's in the Equipment part of the crafting menu, but I think they are talking about an island that appears and disappears randomly or some sort of surface danger (the mention of a meteor) At least that's wh…
Interesting enough is that some things WON'T appear on your crafting menu UNLESS you have a proper resource for it (Hint HInt Mr. Moe)
Submarine docking stations don't normally attach to any docks unless they are pulled completely out of water for major hull repair
http://www.snipview.com/q/USS_Arco_(ARDM-5)<… -
Complete agreement with Eldeberon and I also switch to freedom mode also due to odd limits on food and water.
The Exosuit is for high pressure deep sea exploration, allowing to walk on bottom of the ocean correct? not really sure what you mean by upgrades, do you mean weapons upgrades? speed? not sure what 'upgrades' could be added.
Oh boo, doesn't work well, printbiome sets up a grid like thing on the ground, but with warp up the grid prints below your feet no matter how high you are.
You need to find the "Fragments" laying around the world and analyze them, then more stuff will show up on build menu.
Nothing like minecraft here, about the only thing one could change on the avatar would be the diving suit color maybe? really isn't much point since you can't really see your survivor in a 3rd person view at the present, altering w… -
Did you try the "PRINTBIOME" command while on the way up or down? wonder if you can see the markings from above.
Really need lights badly, and an electric fence would be nice also
Unless the computer's name is Hal.. -
There is also the Specimen Analyzer (currently not active) but in experimental you can place it, that should give the survivor lots to find and Science the 'S*** outa this' all he wants
in "Let's Science The S*** Outta This!" Comment by Unatan October 2015
Agree with Zundy, the survivor just crashed, no idea of the worlds seasons or cycles or what the critters life cycles are on this world, the fact of a "floating" island lends to the idea it may not always be floating.
Well to us maybe, but might well be part of the eco system, like those floaters, once they break off a rock they just sit on the surface (forever), maybe a caustic rain is needed to burst them into their next cycle. -
To be honest I get the sneaky feeling that what ever 'storm' is coming, it ISN'T going to be pleasant, maybe acid rain, something that will make living above water more challenging then under, just a feeling.
Wait, is there a river of a heavier liquid there? isn't this at the bottom of some watery biome? or is this an air space with a river through it?
Soo sad! read through the whole post and am very sad (but excited) for one reason:
"few more weeks until the next update"
/cry -
Failed? how? just point to floor or ceiling and ladder should form the ghost
As long as a another dome is a… -
I got a little carried away trying to make a docking bay for the Cyclops
in SeaBase Showcase Comment by Unatan September 2015
Thanks guys for your input, but I wasn't asking for any weapons, I was expressing concern for balance, I guess the word might be, in respect to the tech level implied by the fact of a star ship crashing on alien planets.
I didn't find a …