I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong and it looks like my mouse has a weird issue. I apologize to the NS2 development team for this post. I did a bunch of tests and it looks like my mouse, even after cleaning it, had an odd click register issue. I…
Does anyone know if 21:9 works on NS2? I'm debating on the new Dell 34" but don't want to buy it and then be kicked off servers. And to be very clear I'm hinting at 3440x1440.
I was also considering a new Video Card. I just like the 34" wide. Seems no one on NS2 has one... bummer. I appreciate those that are chiming in none the less.
I currently play on a Dell 24" Ultrasharp at 1920x1200 with no issues, running on a EVGA 560 Ti. I'm hoping someone speaks up that has a Dell 34" Ultrasharp because I want to get one.