Thanks for the options.
I tried the first one, but it didn't work for my laptop it is not compatible
The second one didn't work either since my directx is already the latest.
Thanks anyway in "Couldn't initialize the render device" ERRORComment by VanwolfsterSeptember 2013
So then NS2 can't be played on my laptop I guess. Thanks for the help though GhoulofGSG9 and IronHorse I appreciated it.
So in other words, I have no official GPU that could handle the game? If so, I'm screwed then. Any suggestions on a GPU that will be compatible with a i-5 core 3210M HP laptop?
I went to that page and already got the files verified, but the problem is still persisting. How do I make the tech report generated by NS2 if I don't know how to exactly I know it says it is in the directory, but can you provide a…