For all we know they could just be....ribbing us~ -
You certainly heated up the topic!
Now I'm imagining the player character putting sciencey sunglasses on whilst wielding a swiss army knife of discovery, on the verge of embarking on some epic journey of research. Someo… -
The only reason I disagree with you is because Subnautica had set me up for the unexpected by the time I found an island. That meant that when I finally started walking about on land I had my stasis rifle out and my paranoia levels… -
B| My work here is done.
Clearly they should put me in game. -
Personally I'd like more creatures trying to eat or kill me, but since I understand not everyone's into that sort of survival I hope they put in a 'peaceful' gamemode. That way everyone gets to enjoy the game's creatures. -
Oooh, very Monster Hunter-esque. I'm a fan of being able to harvest non-critical bits from creatures, dangerous or otherwise. Its more fun than killing them outright as it adds to the challenge. Plus I feel less guilty if I just steal a scale or a b…
Well I just had a terrifying thought: what if those aren't ribs? What if those are the legs of a giant, alien, ocean-dwelling centipede and the rest of its body is just buried? -
Oh god. If this becomes a thing I know I'm going to accidentally hurt a baby Reaper Leviathan somehow, and then I'm gunna get rekt.
Or worse, what if it's just like in real life where parent animals maul you to death si… -
Wandering groups of nocturnal creatures that are attracted by lights and sounds. Their approach signaled by ticking type vocalizations which alert you to turn all the lights in your base or submarine off and stay very, very still, hoping they didn't…
Daaaaaaaamn. And I thought my base was snazzy.
Awesome job! I love seeing people get creative. -
You know what this game really needs? A 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle of a reefback.
But you have to find all the pieces first.
And the pieces are smaller than lithium crystals and look exactly like the environment.
O… -
I named mine the SS Bradley.
I still have no idea why.
My mind goes interesting places sometimes-Shrugs-
Here is what I would personally like to see if they were to go the 'more weapons' route (Not saying they are or should, just saying if they do):
Weapons that are satisfying to use but aren't immensely deadly. At no point would I like to … -
-Drools everywhere- :F shiny......
*Ahem* Excuse me. Couldn't quite contain my excitement there. The Subnautica team is fantastic. Seriously, I can't even words right now I'm so in awe of the directions this game is taking. Heck…