Getting same issue now , even after reinstalling several times ?
Game not even getting to the menu , it freezes at the pic of the Aurora , it’s so frustrating , I was playing it yesterday and the saving was a bit slow but now I can’t even start it ?
I edited the post
Gutted !!
That means you can no longer use the cyclops as a mobile base without worrying about power -
Just out of interest which time zones are people picking , there is a few that are -3 , I picked Salvador and now I'm just waiting for sub to download and I'll test it
How the hell did they work out that fix ? -
I'm sorrry guys but my solution has stopped working -
Ok I've said this before but I do think I've found a temporary solution.
It's a bit of a ball ache but it seems to work for me I already had a save file which I tried to save several times after the first … -
Yeah exact same , it's been like that since the save bug started -
Yeah I'll keep trying , I thought what obraxis said meant it is working coz he said it had passed
Does anyone else get green flashes on there loading screen ? -
If it ain't broke don't fix it !!!!
Also the Gastropods don't move now they just float
Seriously it's just getting worse and worse -
It passed ? , so does that mean it's fixed then ? I can save ?
Sorry to ask but I thought subnautica had been passed on to Microsoft yesterday for cert , is this not the case ? -
How long does it usually take for Microsoft to test games ?, surely all the need to do is make sure it saves since they passed the last update as it was .
Isnt today the supposed cert day ?
Yeah the lines only seem to happen inside the base now , they've changed the sound on the sea glide too
I've also noticed that you need silver to build a solar panel now which is weird
They seem to have added shad… -
Well I would love to enjoy the cuddle fish but I'm gonna have to wait for the save issue to be fixed
Off work sick today so I turned on my Xbox for a bit of self wallowing and saw subnautica updating , I jumped with joy thinking I could spend my sick day on subnautica
Then i was gutted to realise it was the cu… -
Press save where you are and it will do the usual quick save and nothing , then move to a different biome and it saves leaving the save notification on screen for about 5+ seconds , I then went back to another b… -
That worked fine for me , yeah I left it paused for roughly 5-10 mins and it saved fine , I'm gonna go and test it again and I'll post my findings -
Ok now it seems to be saving fine as long as you leave it a little while between saves
E.g. Saving twice in a row the second one's notification goes off far quicker -
I've managed to save three times now just by pausing it for about ten minutes before saving , the pic changed when I went to reload it e.g. Save the game facing the radio and the save … -
Ok some good news for a change , I managed to save a second time after spending many hours the first time , the only thing I did different was to leave it paused for about 10 mins before saving whilst I went on my iPad for a bit , hopefully I can do…
Hi are you one of the devs ?(if not then this is for the devs)
Can you keep us updated even if it fails the cert , obvs I'm not alone in saying this but this is killing me just waiting and not knowing
I went… -
Apparently it has been sent to Microsoft and we are waiting for them to certify it and then we will be have to update when it's ready , so keep checking your updates , I've been checking constantly lol
O god please don't say it's gonna be months until this is sorted , it's the not knowing what's going on ?, how close they are ? , I'm logging in every chance I get to check and it's soul crushing when there is no news
in GAME WON'T SAVE MY PROGRESS (3 in 1 update) Comment by WeylandYutani1989 September 2017
I hope you don't mind me saying this but is this gonna take ages to sort out like when we use to get the red error screen ? It seemed to take ages and I know a few ppl who were waiting for the update before purchasing the game and now they aren't go…
I had played the game for 4 hours before I saved and lost everything but on the game save file it said that I had played it for 10 hrs and 2 mins
I don't know if that helps but I'm des…