Um, if the Balance Test Mod becomes the actual game will UWE release a Classic Balance Mod? That way people who don't wanna play BT wont have to.Having achievement might not be too bad an idea. It wont make people play it just for achievements, it might act as a little extra incentive though.The TSF are terraforming a planet, unbeknownst to them aliens are there. Thus ensues canonical, alien world based mayhem.The new speed looks awesome, I'd rather this game was a little faster.
Also, Any chance of some combat related vi…(Quote) I think they should do a prequel. NS2 + Chivalry. Chivalry needs a game type where you're all fighting a big dragon, why not a big onos with skulking scampering around it's feet?in NS LEVEL UPS Comment by WoollySammoth May 2013
(Quote) I think they should do a prequel. NS2 + Chivalry. Chivalry needs a game type where you're all fighting a big dragon, why not a big onos with skulking scampering around it's feet?in NS LEVEL UPS Comment by WoollySammoth May 2013
(Quote)I think they should do a prequel: NS2 combined with Chivalry. Chivalry needs a game mode where you're all fighting a big dragon, why not a big Onos with skulks scampering around it's feet. I'd enjoy it, and screw y…Can anyone who's used UDN and spark confirm this? If the ideas are close enough to actually transfer this may be some great news for ways to fill my days.I don't mind the way it works now. It feels fairly well balanced for giving marines the ability to rush back and defend a base whilst being still being abusable by cunning aliens. I don't think it should be too easily cancelled otherwise it might …I've only played a little TF2, it's ok, but I'm really turned off by all the silly hats and weapons and stuff. It all seems like an unnecessarily tacked on gimmick, like it's there to make money, not to make the game better. One thing i like about…The modding for this game needs more/better documentation. It's great to see NS2/UWE providing tuts and such, and I hope to see more.I've been meaning to say this for a while, but the recent modding post has inspired me:
Did anyone ever use the modding tools for Amnesia: The Dark Decent? The engine was called HPL2, and there was some aspects of it there were pretty a…(Quote)
Onoses* ;p
I quite like it, i tend to get better frame rates in combat than vanilla NS2, so it's good for getting my fix without a headache inducing endgame slide showin Do you like combat? Comment by WoollySammoth April 2013
If assigning squads is too much of a hassle for the comm, and i can see why it would be, could the comm not assign squad leaders? A squad leader would be able to select near-by marines and they'd join that group. Dead marines would respawn grouple…(Quote)
I had been thinking of something similar, but slight different. If you will all allow me, and non of you can stop me (Mwah wahha whahwhah), i will elucidate:
I was watching a documentary and it was talking …I want to call you an idiot but i'm too busy going "Aaawww." ;P(Quote)
Ha, I didn't know that, you live and learn.
Viva la Scent of Fear!Sorry, brah, i think evolutions should be as passive as possible, this sounds more akin to leap or something than to other evolutions.This idea sounds like it could have some merit, but would prolly need lots of tweaking. Anything that might improve my frame rate sounds good to me thoughThe problem with camo is that it's use isn't distinct enough from silence. With cele/adren you can either get there faster or do more when you're there, with regen/cara you can hit-and-run quicker or you can hit harder, with sil/camo you can ambush…As others have said: I quite like the idea, but it sound hard to do for the pay off.
Though it may it possible to have the gorge tunnel always be like an 8 pointed asterisk, fudge all entrances to fit the nearest available passage, and o…Same problem for me too.(Quote)
You know, i actually didn't consider that, but that still requires you to be at 100. This would allow a support character to res-share at 60 p-res, gnome sayin'.
Also, how much are you sharing …(Quote)I could totally dig an epic turtling mode, but my frame rate would probably take a shit and die.Hmm, I quite like the idea. But could "Maturing" perhaps be an upgrade from a hive, and rather than maturing over time players mature dependant on kill count [since last hatching]. And be an increase on the default, and not a lowering of it?
…People complain about hackers all the time, it's doesn't seem that bad too me. I doubt i've seen one in game (the videos of that one guy do look *really* hacky though).
If you think NS2 hacking is bad you should go an play DayZ for a wh…This game should just be a race to press the Big Red Button for each factions planet destroying, quantum Death-laser.I've been toying with an idea lately, which involved bumping silence and camo on to one upgrade with visibility *maybe* based on the amount of light, e.g, dark room 50% vis, dark room + 1 marine flashlight 65%, Red room 75%, fullly lit room 90%.