But getting to the island and grabbing all the stuff is pretty much (risk-)"free"
*shrugs* Then get good at dodging.
Funny thing about predators in this game: if they bite they swim AWAY from you for a while. This combined with the endless supply of healthkits from the pod makes every non-one-hit encounter pretty much trivial even for the incompetent at dodging.
I'm not entirely sure what the problem is... drinking water is relative easy to come by and as mentioned sitting will stop both hunger- and thirst-meters.
Still-Suits will slower the thirst drain. -
Seamoth: Schnuffel (Snuggle)
Cyclops: Aion -
You don't need to leave base to harvest resources. On these short timers I either do inventory management or tend my gardens.
If you're so concerned about waiting times place another fabricator and you can produce stuff… -
I don't mind. I spend the waiting time with harvesting ressources. So *shrugs*
Soooo much exagaration in this thread. You just need fins and a O2 tank and you have reliable access to most biomes and few of the wrecks. On top of it: you only need a laser cutter in few areas - most wrecks interior is reachable without it. It's b…
@Requiemfang They could but thats asking a lot. Apart of delaying a possible return of investment by a large margin (that would most likely be something like 2 yea…
Sure they could replace the creature but thats like flushing down all the money they spend on creating the assets for it.
Me too. Then I would have to come up with a different approach.
hm.... nah have just fun
and enjoy exploring. I don't want to spoil anything. But if you need directions or looking for someth…
Well you just base hop from the reef fringe. Basically along the sea bed you swim into it and whenever you run out of oxygen drop down corridor and hatch enter, wait to recover, leave, then deconstruct corridor and hatch move forwa… -
They could just rename him and repurpose his Punching as way to attack his prey like the mantis shrimp on earth.... and could still destroy bases... So no need to put it on the choping block devs!
You can drop just a corridor with hatch down at the sea bed. Then enter it for some sweet fresh oxygen ^_^ -
Doubt that's going to happen. As the whole map is hand crafted you can't just move biomes around and we're so far into the game development that it's not feasible to make such a tremendous change on the game system.
No. Nothing is planned in that regard.
For more insight: http://unknownworlds.com/subnautica/subnautica-multiplayer-when… -
To be honest I wouldn't call this game in an early alpha stage. While not feature complete it is fair to call it beta
in Radioactive Zones post reactor fix Comment by Xadie January 2016
Come on guys! As it is now you use the radiation suite just ONCE for the one visit to the aurora - after that there is no use for it. That's pehaps 15min. playtime? What a waste.
1) ... Hm I rarely build my main base at the same place twice - seems boring
From an exploitative perspective i would arg… -
eh no? about half of my games i simply swim to the mountain island and put down my first base. Reapers are loud, stupid, tend to clip into the terrain and with fins you can dodge them. If you use your surroundings to your advantage… -
Well it definitly kills my long-time motivation to play the game. As soon as I've seen all the new stuff after a patch I stop playing, because I'm bored of the easyness of survival.
Well curently the Solar Panel have basically an akku integrated. Want to store more energy? Just drop more Solar Panels!
Don't really see the added value. Beside of feature creep is there really a benefit? The subnautica world is rather small. Even by swimming traversing the biomes takes mere minutes.
a nifty addition to the game. Though gettin' fresh water isn't really an issue in the game.
I/We feeling with you pal -
Still nothing for a long time :-p
You have to be aware of that for every island creature we forgo a possible new sea creature as development ressources are limited. Thats actually a trade I don't want to make. I'm perfectly fine with cave crawlers on islands. Maybe an amphibian crea…
It's not like in hardmode creatures are stronger - so "even" in hardmode not a problem to survive multiple bonesharks attaking. Just keep moving and dodging. Just few slashes at them makes them flee.
Sorry, not a first discovery
In the wiki it's called the "mountain island" and it is part of the "mountain biome". Actual…