Well, I dont know, since I only play on survive, and as for me, thats the ez mode. The custom setting, would let the players make it more difficult, etc.. I have no plans for lowering the difficulty, but increasing it. It works both ways. At the mom…
Increase the crafting time, give me option to set up custom difficulty, so I will do it by myself. I want a game to be a challenge, I want uber difficulty. I dont need another ez mode game. Playing on survival at the moment, and I …
You need to get deeper, and deeper. Thats the only solution I found to be working, and that seems to be how the game was built. Dive, get blueprints, dive deeper, get new blueprints, etc..
The more realistic the game, the better. I want to role play. As for me, that is a good thing, and I hope more stuff like that will be added, to make the game more challenging, and way more difficult.