Ok, so decided to go back and play the (updated) Homeworld on this same PC... and whaddaya know... crash after a few minutes.
So, we have 2 PCs at home, both with near equivalent video cards in them (GTX 650Ti), although I reckon my pc g… -
Ok, so had a few minutes to contact Microsoft Xbox Live support regarding this. End result, the game publisher has chosen NOT to make the game available in Australia (according to "Ken" in Live Support).
Here's the transcript:Hiya, still not visible in the Australian Store. If I go through to the US store, once I get to a point where I can pay it asks me to add a credit card (which, I'll assume will fail as I have an AU credit card) - and I'd be a little worried about p…It doesn't appear in the AU store yet... well, not for me... and it's the 17th...
Might give it 24 hours, so it's the 17th in the US (although I can see it in the US store now... so...)
I dunno... will wait and be patient. A…(Quote)
Nope. I got it just after the farming update (I think the H2.0 update, actually) - whichever was later.
I've got a rig that should run it fine - it's a fresh Win10 x64 with 16GB - about the only thing "lite" is the nVi…Ok, tried the steps above after receiving an update to the nVidia driver this morning - same effect. Plays for 3-5 minutes, then "Display Driver not responding". Sorry.
And yes, Run As Administrator both times. :-((Quote)
I'll give this a go next chance I get and report back. I'm having similar "access denied" messages with my nVidia...And here's another crash - unfortunately it's pretty unusable/unplayable... ah well, I'm away with the family for 2 weeks... so either (a) we get the Xbox preview or (b) something magical happens with finding and squishing this one...You have perfectly described how the game is for me too.
I've tried quite a number of fixes/twisting video card settings with my nVidia GTX 650Ti to no avail. Just when I think "yeah, nailed it, it's reliable" based on a setting I chang…I have the Geforce nVidia GTX 650 Ti (almost the same as your 550 Ti) and have the same problem - although I can go between 1-30 minutes without a crash. Normally each time I surface or get back to a base I save.
You may also notice whe…I'd noticed that I always seemed to have a HDD hit whenever the crash occurred (just before) - and the textures would seem to take a while to load in (machine would "chug" until the textures loaded with a corresponding frame rate drop).
That's a crack up - that's what I just tested (shhhh don't tell the boss) - and that works. So my answer was going to be "name the beacon first so you're not stuffing around with keyboards while in a dangerous spot".
I…Good news: I'm having the same (type of) issues with my Nvideo GTX 650 Ti card. I get a nice "Display Driver not responding", then "Display Driver recovered" message, but the game is frozen (although sound comes through). Once, I had it that when …I'm in a similar boat - once I get the seaglide and can zoom around I will have my nVidia GTX 650 Ti crash (Display Driver not responding message) - this can happen from 1 minute of gameplay to an hour. I usually forget about the issue as I'm build…Ok, I've gone experimental (via Steam) and am using a much later build which seems to be better - I had it crash with the video card error again this morning while mucking around, but instead of killing the game, after the video driver was restarted…I ran the first part of the error.log through Google regarding Unity and d3d11.dll and found this:
http://answers.unity…And there's about 6 more folders of crash logs for ya...Ok, so 1920x1080 @ 60Hz.... OMG buttery smooth. Running experiMENTAL graphics - this game is beautiful.
Still - stay around the same area, swim around, all good.
Go for a quick trip in the Seamoth and BAM! crashed the whole …Hiya, ok, I'm getting a handle on this.
I have an i7 system with 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD and regular SATA disk for storage - plenty of everything.
Only maybe a little light on the video card ram (2GB).
Nvidia drivers …(Quote)
I take it back... it only seemed to fix it - because I left my character at sea level for 10 minutes (while doing other stuff) I figured it was fixed. Nope - still crashes, usually when it appears to be trying to l…(Quote)
Rainstorm, I don't care what voodoo magic this is, but I can now run experimental for >5 minutes without a crash. It was truly doing my head in. You, sir (or ma'am) are a legend!