1. Flashlight.
Do somebody use Flashlight at the game? I'm not making it (Seaglide have light, , Seamoth too). But maybe we could connect in Workshop, Flashlight with Seaglide to have light in it? (UPG)
2. Map.
We need … -
I don't wanna make another post so I will post new things here xD
I agree.
The "wall mounted base control" sounds nice. Maybe a control room with it. Changing color of the base, maybe invisible for predators or within 10-100m range. So many ideas xD
ow.. and maybe a 2D map of base to … -
Nice idea m8.
We could build Big Room and then re-build it to some specific type like you said - storage, laboratory, command center.. And there will be place for upgrading it?
You could build for example - Storage Room but you cant max … -
Thx m8. Good that You are gathering all good ideas. My post could be dead if You did not find it xD Take care m8 -
About the upg on Oxy Tanks i mean that You could upg it like MK3 on Seamoth.. You should have like 5 diaments or something rare to do it xD -
1. Good idea. Maybe to name Lockers you could press little button on left or right side of it. You name / rename Locker 2-3 times max I think.
2. For me crpsshair is good ;-)
3. Can be cool.
5. Im waiting for that too xD
6. Y… -
Hi m8 xD
0. I love the game too xD
1-6. I think that balancing will the last thing that devs will do. Now they are trying to throw as many ideas as possible and we are rabbits in the lab xD
Yep.. in my topic is something similar but more complex. From the beginning our hero could gain LEVELS xD and from that point you will have more inventory place (now is max), maybe more hp, little bit more basic oxygen oraz after few (maybe 5) level…Ok, but this game is not that realistic, so it would be good idea to have on mind oxygen in vehicle too.
For example normal tanks to dive at deep 60 meters are for 12 minutes. In the game I must go every 1m to take air on one tankin Oxygen Tank For Cyclops and Seamoth Comment by anuahhahee October 2015
I think that this idea is worth to talk about.
Do resources of the most wanted fuel for You shuold be for free ? and infinite? i think no.... tanks and refull like power ;-)
take care ;-)YES.
But lets leave that to Subnautica 2 ;-)