Now I think about it, my debug mapping was done back in May 2015, when we didn't have any wrecks signal, points of interests signal and scanner room. The gameplay was hugely different from what we have now. I had to rely heavily on…
I was going to say "No Map at All" but then I remember when I first started the game, I kept getting lost and going around in circle. Then I hand drawn a map using the debug console coordinates marking the biomes and points of interests (my base, re…
1. Being able to access PRAWN suit storage in moonpool and cyclops (this one for seamoth too).
2. I always add/remove a component and cause hull strength to go below zero, maybe there is some polish that can avoid it (something that can check …
I can confirm that there are problems with getting in the Cyclops through hatch, climbing down the Cyclops bridge ladders, getting out of PRAWN suit (it will not sit sometimes) in addition to the seabase hatch problems talked about.