Hey guys , i just wanted to metion that luxemburg and few other little countries are still missing subnautica on the store i would be glad if you fixed it there's a way getting the game on ps4 in luxemburg but it's hard
in Subnautica: Below Zero Console Plans and Roadmap - Subnautica Comment by benji32 December 2019
Very nice still no subnautica available in luxemburg an no possibility to play it dev's pls release this game worldwide ..... ps4
Still waiting here in luxemburg 2 months past release an i can‘t download the game an i‘m getting ro the pointi get rly frustrated about it it‘s nice that the devs are worling on this issies but there are major problems that are needed to be fixed i…
Thnx still not available in luxemburg ...
Hellow devs , i hope you guys are cautious about that Luxemburg is still missing ,it‘s not a hate comment but i waited so loong to play it i watched the devlopment of the game about 2-3 yrs ago and i never rly never had the oportunity to play it i w…
Still sitting here in luxemburg and i still got the sony restrictioun pls fix it i want to finaly play the game .....
And it‘s just sad we need to wait this long for resolving such an important issue ....
Hi guys , i‘m from luxemburg an none rly none of the games have a localisation ,my country is so tiny we got 500,000 people living in it i don‘t understand why sony is doing this ......
Hi ... you know i love this game but i‘ very frustated about livling in luxemburg bcs they haven‘t released it on december 4th here an i got the fear that it will not come till december 7th if that‘s the case pls inform us about