Server issues don't explain why some people don't seem to have those problems and kill what they shoot at in no time. I think client performance advantages explain my case better.
Thanks for all the input.
in So about the Hitreg... Comment by countbasie December 2014 -
@matso: Now that's a satisfying answer, thanks.
As I said, I have much experience with FPS games, and something about NS2 stompers feels odd compared to high… -
I'm not talking about the Hitboxes (I know how precise they are, tested it back in beta stage), I'm talking about the Hitreg. I actually have more problems as a Skulk than as marine.
So you guys are telling me it's my aim and there are n… -
Native Oculus Rift support.
Seriously, it is a perfect fit for exploration games. And a decent implementation would give you tons of attention by VR fans and Oculus themselves, since right now they are looking for the best experie… -
Oh, I got some too:
Do you guys have an Oculus Rift Dev Kit? Are you planning on adding it/optimizing your game to have the right scale etc? That really is going to make the game future proof, since cockpit-experiences work best in it. -
Ah, I get it now. 50 hours on NS2Stats or Hive or Steam. Well that's fine, see you in another 15 hours
… -
Hm...NS2 Stats can't be right. I know that I played more than 2 hours on NS2 Stats servers over the years (have been around since Beta)...maybe they did a reset in the last year?
However, thanks for your answer. Gonna take a while until … -
Actually the closest equivalent would be NS1...
BTW the female marine breathes like a dude when sprinting.
The main problem are the dynamic effects. There's so much reverb everywhere that everything sounds far away.
Personally I kínd of like the weapon sounds. They sound futuristic, because they are quieter. I mean, shoot a gun from today in a spac… -
Yeah that one. That way people wouldn't have to search the forums in the first place. And it really helps (temporarily of course). -
- on weapon pickup: only switch when primary weapon is picked up (don't switch to a welder...)
- make AV somewhat less bright
- make normal alien vision highlighting brighter
- make webs earlier tech and not costing res
- scr… -
(Quote) Cory has been spending years now to repeat the same stuff over an over again. It has also been said in multiple announcements on the main page. It's really not their fault if you don't read the stuff that's available.
So where on the FOV slider is the 90 for default marine?
Stepping through phasegates also shows an empty room for about 1 second now.
First thing they should do is release a new NS2.exe with properties set to disabling Windows Aero..
Yeah this patch is actually awesome. Despite the mouse-lag which I didn't get to fix and the worse performance in intense battles (for overall performance: try disabling windows aero), strangely slow skulks and strange melee hitreg, it is really a n…
Kind of ironic to debate communication when a dev stated they are working on it and an apology above.
Thx Steve! Don't forget to sleep and eat. -
I've got the same problems. Good thing is that they know it: (Quote)
I'm not upset, I just can't play at the moment due to framerate issues (went from 40 to 25 in hiverooms and intense situations). It's just a bad patch, things like that happen in software development...
Rock on UWE! -
(Quote) Don't know about this threat, but I remember the very ugly and sexist comments in the female marine reveal thread. It was a little heated, I'm pretty sure they got angry over this.
The official model is really nice, good job.<… -
(Quote) Perfect post. Huze's AV has always been the best one, no reason to not make this official.
The scores in your screenshots show very inbalanced teams in a pub.
Anyways, so you say the fade isn't OP? So what's the problem? Did I say it's not possible to get high scores? I have those scores most of the time. I'm just … -
(Quote) Yes, I want this version back as well.
Seeing the nice graphics + being able to play a melee class in a fast-paced game.
Maybe make both versions so you can switch through them pressing F...
(Quote) Actually what I see there is stacked teams, which is a different problem.
If you run in 2 good marines you won't get a kill. Which is OK (rather weak) for 50 res lifeform.
I didn't see any good marines in your screenshots.
(Quote) That again is true as well.
Whatever, best wishes UWE whatever you choose to do.
Actually back in the days it was flippin' normal to just sell a game once. It's a businessmodel that works.
Yes, fades have to screw up to die. It's the same with JPs and Exos.
It's that thin line you are walking on. It's not easy, because you can make errors.
You don't have to kill the Fade, just get him out of your wa… -
It's like NS1 again.
It's not about killing the Fade, it's about forcing him to retreat and heal up.
Everything's fine.
If a Fade really gets disturbing, it's up to the com to make it a team-goal to kill that one. Caus…