I'm playing on a computer i built 3 years ago and it runs flawlessly on pretty much max settings (infestation/shadows turned down). 80+fps consistently. If you want to keep up in PC gaming you should AT LEAST upgrade every 2-3 years. Don't expect ga…
This is getting really irretating now! Crashing on map rotation, etc.
Sounds awesome, good luck with it! More casters the better.
Already on this. Have requested QUESTIONS upon entering every server where all i see is green. NO-ONE has asked anything. I assume they're either in complete awe and in their own world of discovery or just too damn scared to ask anything. Ah well, b…
Haha in on this. I'm lliterally in a 72 minute game where we have 3 phase gates inside one base and no armories. Haha, i went through the phase gate then came out the other side in the same location.
Hahaha you scumbags!
All this.
I will happily donate if we received some credit/recognition like Bob has described above.
Also are you familiar with Playhem? They have a 'points' system. Every player (or team in this case) can o… -
Or perhaps people on the internet should learn to grow a thicker skin? Hate to tell you buddy but you picked a really bad hobby if you're looking to surround yourself with enlightened intellectuals. You can't change a community onl… -
And as long as players at the bottom of the skill ceiling continuously complain about things like shotguns being 'broken' this game will never evolve and develop. The game is about team-work, NOT 1on1 confrontations. It's not rock-paper-scissors.
Pick your fights better. That's all it comes down to as a Skulk. If you get the jump on a marine and take no damage before entering bite range you should win. He can bunny hop once/twice at most. You should be running around/wall climb…
Get yourself registered on NS2hub.com on the Streams page!
Oh god yes please UWE.
They already have 'quick join' so i assume the engine supports it nicely. What can we do to promote more competitive play production from UWE? I know their team is limited in Relatively new, some comp play questions. Comment by dTox March 2013 -
Hear hear!
Yep it could certainly support it considering how excellent the engine is for modding.
Very awesome thanks ScardyBob! P.S i subscribed to your channel
I like the idea of this but peopl… -
That would be sweet but like you said i think you'll have a hard time filling them up unless you can rally together a group of regulars to use it? Perhaps see what kind of interest you get from these boards and the community first?… -
Hey guys another question, any reason why no servers use the comp play formats? Like 12 player servers that cycle the comp play maps? I really prefer the smaller sized servers, 16 players, it just feels much more tactical and skill-based as opposed …
Great cast and co-caster, thanks for casting this match RDog!
Forgot to ask, why is Summit and these other maps considered 'balanced' then? Or at least, more balanced than the others?
Great guys thanks for the replies and insight. I guess having to play BOTH teams in each map does help alleviate some balance issues and concerns i had. I look forward to delving into NS2 deeper and seeing where the scene goes! See you all in game!