@Nautical_Nick yeah I do know the ideas has been suggested a lot but I mean its better that having like infinet spawn points in the void causing lag its better t…
well I had one idea instead of having the easy to escape leviathans and crabsquid in the void how about a giant sea monster that like pulls your sub down also you if you wing it with a seaglide it pulls you down but it will kill players who try to l…
I only had one subnautica dream I was out near the aurora there was another tiny island near the back and I swan towards the backside of the ship and dove down like a quarter of a foot and then a reaper comes out of nowhere and scares the crap out o…
hey devs idea for a prawn upgrade maybe since the rule "no guns" how about maybe like a knife/machete prawn arm (or heatblade) just an old idea I had while playing so if you want to add the idea go ahead but if not those both are ok.