bone shark ...
one is ok, two, ehm run, well swim?, ... three? -
So am i only one who pushes it to where main base is gonna be? Well, if its not to far off, my favorite building place at the edge of dunes, grand reef, kelp, shallow and a short swim from sparse. Theres a kelp rock formation where you can build rig…
or better yet ... dont cheat -
And thats where my future base will be ...
had an idea to connect every biome with corridors, without using console on survival mode
Doubt i will ever… -
people actually bother setting up bots for this? lmao
This game is getting better each passing day, man ... cant wait, work faster damn you, haha, jk. -
uh im an idiot, aurora needs to explode first ... delete please, so sorry.
Was able to build an MPR with blueprint at the red on stuff required.
First i was getting sick from eating nonstop fish, now im getting sick of eating nonstop purple potato thingies ...
Hmm maybe i should boil some gasopod fat and make alien potato chips ... with spicey crash sauce? -
spotlight bugged though, it builds instantly and doesnt cost mats, just have the mats needed in inventory and you can keep building them
in there are desks now! Comment by deseiz February 2016
There seems to be a targeting issue with the scanner on blueprints. Have to dance around the things more then once to get a hit, and thats any and all blueprints.
comes without blueprint
Not sure how but i unlocked it just now,might be by picking up either magnetite or lithium, picked both of them at same time, went back to base, and could build them /shrug
Not sure its becau…As cool as it is, the hatch thing is kinda screwy, i mean you have to open it and only place you can put a hatch is at the bottom of the tank ... so all the water comes pouring out when you open it?If you are still stuck with your save game, you can use F3 and uncheck disable console (open inventory or use f8 to get mouse pointer) then type warpme.
It will teleport you to last visited property, in this case your base.
you mean?:
... um shrimpthingy lol was never good at creature design
or a nasty insect for the islandsin Submit Your Creature Ideas! Comment by deseiz February 2016
dont need to flood the room, just removing the bulkhead is enough. Also if you build a corridor above a bulkhead you will sink through the floor and land on the bulkhead below.
Reported it ingame f8 dont know whats best here or there heh.Oh never tried to put a hatch on top of a corridor, ill try that thx for tip, and yes ment on he multipurpose room, but if its possible to put it on corridor ill use that heh.also building above water level will have water inside building
that is if part base is below water level and part abovespacestation
trippy game with trippy music