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  • I've been playing Natural Selection 2 for 80 hours, but now I have no choice but to quit due to performance.

    The game has its share of flaws, but it still provided a unique and enjoyable experience. However, since build 246 I found that I c…

  • Two important tips I haven't seen mentioned:

    Have a Drifter overlooking the Power Node in every Hive room, and every room adjacent to it.

    Cover these rooms with infestation completely, leaving no ground to buil…
  • (Quote)
    I'd say these changes are necessary for the sake of fair play. You should not be able to unload your entire pistol clip in one second by triggering a script. Even though some people can mash Mouse1 very fast, scripts can fire even …
  • Sewlek's balance test allows relocation of Gorge tunnels using Shifts, and has Shifts available indepedent of hive type. If this is implemented into the main game, it should solve the clueless gorge problem.
  • (Quote)
    I do this as well, and I think it is the best way to approach the alien early game in pubs. Grab as many RTs as you can, all the while watching your team's performance.

    If your team is wiping out in waves and you're get…
  • I would personally prefer if Babbler attacks did not do any damage at all, but would instead reduce enemy mobility - each Babbler attack would apply a temporarily speed penalty and disable sprinting. The speed penalty would stack with each attack, u…
    in Babblers Comment by emb April 2013