Yeah that does not change anything. Saying "from my experience X is Y, but I'm NOT saying all Xs are Ys" is still discrimination, just badly hidden. I've reported you and I strongly believe that kind of ideas should lead to a strai… -
You're not getting it. A good players doing 30-5's is fine. When two comp players get on one side (and never switch) killing everyone on sight, that's not fine. The difference isn't that hard to get.
Nah I agree with the rest of your post, aka ban the game destroyers. I just loved that piece of wisdom among others that I quoted. Internet wisdom, love it.
Oh yes I had to, you started with life lessons. Don't start life lessons, that's the conclusion.
And that's one another entirely fallacious argument; if people needed to be crushed by better player to get better, how the hell did the first players get better ? Don't boil your brain on that, the answer is that you don't need be… -
We're not having the same server list then. It's about 50/50, and well, if you know you'll crush rookie server, just don't go in there, even if that's 75% of your list, there are 25% to chose from. Or in in Competitive Players on "Rookie Friendly" Servers Comment by ezay May 2013 -
I agree and I disagree; it's true 8 times out of 10, but there are rooms so big that the marine can see you coming long before you have the first bite.
That is as dumb and false as OP. -
Alien was weak before last patch and the Marine nerf. Now it feels decent, except for the occasional marine stacking obviously.
Sorry to hear about it. Best wishes dude.
Alright, visual is untrustworthy, so is sound, so is bullet displayor. I think we get it. -
That's pretty slow compared to the average mouse clicking (and f awesome compared to how I shoot handguns irl
). Just (Quote) <…
It's supposed to be an asymetric game. That patch, that change, goes the symetric way: equal chances to build anywhere, equal chances to survive this or that. Most these changes are great from a FPS point and very poor from a RTS p… -
I would really like to see some proof of that. I just tried to test my clicking speed with http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/554667 and I did 6.1 clicks … -
Well, that's still too much utility for a one guy that is extremely hard to kill (at least for average players like me, and average players are UWE's money). FT needs a buff, I agree, but maybe not making it the best and mandatory … -
Well, that's still too much utility for a one guy that is extremely hard to kill (at least for average players like me, and average players are UWE's money). FT needs a buff, I agree, but maybe not making it the best and mandatory … -
Well, that's cute and all, but yes indeed if Power Surge make it, going for Power Node won't exist at all anymore, except for all-in rushes where you destroy every structure anyway.
Lots of changes seem nice, some seem questionabl… -
Yet, I see Celerity first 7 games out of 10. I think I'm gonna break my keyboard out of frustration over this.
Not a great move, really. If you have a fly in your kitchen, you don't buy a flamethrower and burn your house down to kill it. Adressing the skins issue is indeed a "great move", if it removes alternative skins that aren't PINKSKUL… -
Thanks. Wish we had something to improve the (horrible) feeling of playing a skulk, though.
Pistol scripting is easy to spot by spectating. But yes, it has to go. People saying "everyone uses it" miss the point. Point is fairness; if you don't allow everyone the same access to the ressources to the game, this isn't fair. Either pistol scri…
My 2 cents are: my post wasn't unpolite in any way. Stop trying to paint me as the devil because I said the "fucks given".
It was phrased constructively. Just because it contains the word "fuck" means it is unconstructive and threadshiting.
Bull feces. If you can't survive any engagement without needing to regenerate, you should work on your Lerk more. That's not an argument that you wrote, that's just random flame. Even more, that makes no sens; if both the marine an… -
- takes forever to kick in when not moving
- viable only when not moving
- so much worse than Silence
--> 0 reason to chose it. -
The time you spend hiding because you didn't have carapace is used by the marine to hug the Armory.
I may be hard on Regenera…
When flattery smothers criticism, good things never happen.
Gravity Control. I tried to be sneaky and go all the way up as a Skulk. If you don't know what touching the gravity whirl does, I suggest you try it.Here's a bad fade player's advice for a others fade baddies: when encountering a LMG-non JP marine 1vs1, don't bother blinking/shadowstepping, just hug him and slash him. Sure you'll lose life, but he'll die long before you even come close to yourse…(Quote)
I also have that vision of Spores: area of effect skill, not designed to kill people, but to weaken all of them while other lifeform finish the job. In other words, you won't shine on the scoreboard, but you'll help your team alot.