I recently reinstalled the game. Good to see nothing has changed
Update right before Steam sale that … -
(Quote) This is 99% due to robo factory being the first building in the list, newbies simply build their unknown buildings in order of GUI appearance (which is logical, as they have zero other indication of what to do).
I know this from Sta… -
A big NO.
Steam sale. Rookies buy game. Group of friends (rookies) start a server (or go on one of the many rookie only server). Or there are only greens on a server (happens regularly). Nobody of them can command. And now?
<… -
I seriously believe there's a bug/quirk of the netcode so
* certain players
* sometimes an entire team
get advantaged regarding 'effective' latency.
Sometimes i can't hit ****/bites don't register, and the next game there's a… -
Sometimes people spawn stuck in the snow in Mineshaft RR
It started with build 240 ("Gorgeous" update) when Skulk acceleration was more or less halved. It was increased slightly in the following builds, but not much.
I think the idea was to nerf Skulks heavily enough so the Alien team requires… -
Thanks a lot, the "sideload" worked perfectly.
(Quote) Didn't work, it just fails to dl and then says "unavailable" on the mod menu after manually subscribing on Steam.
It's only ns2+, all the other mods work fine.
NS2+ fails to download (error 28, missing required mod) and I can't connect to any servers. Deleting NS2 appdata folder won't help. Any ideas?
About time limits, there should be no time limits for reset (that "reas… -
Pretty clever of them.
1. Spend a relatively small sum of money for marketing and to create customer goodwill.
2. Get money back because the funding goal is not reached [unless UWE or some other sponsor (has UWE asked AMD?) jumps i… -
Wow this is great! (Quote) .
The only proper way to "take sentries to the next level" is to remove them from the game
At least this way newbs … -
You could hardly place tunnels in Cave even before 259
(Quote) Yep, the "old" maps are much nicer to play. Starting with Descent, there is too much visual clutter and everything-is-bright lighting that stops you from catching the gameplay influencing geometry of the rooms (and all the small bumps and…
FPS numbers have nothing to do with the game logic, so good fps means nothing here. You can have 1000 fps and still have lag, bugs or server performance issues.
(Quote) Nobody says it has to be fair (and it never really was, and nobody complained, and it is location/situation dependent anyways). But it must be fun, not frustrating for one side.
The problem isn't Marine jumping per se,… -
The "realism" argument isn't really good. In "reality" Marines and Skulks would not be rigid, but elastic/soft body objects, so when a Marine is hit by a… -
(Quote) Yes I did
It's certainly tedious due to lack of features, but not that bad. Hate the auto snapping though *rage*
(Quote) One shouldn't consider NS2 an "indie multiplayer game" like those 15$ downloadable console titles (thinking of games like Section 8: Prejudice) where the community is dead after a few months. Yes, technically NS2 is an indie multiplayer g…Come on they are just trying to sell some more copies of NS2 - they said the first event generated quite some sales.
And surely it will be nice to watch (if it happens).
Though I have to admit I'd rather have seen some improvements…Badge + lottery tickets for the same amount of money as the Reinforced badges only? Good I waited to get a badge :PI see the orange pants have made a comebackConcede is working as intended. OP is the proof. No fun allowed unless teams are balanced (or at least both sides are having fun).
You can complain about NS2's design being prone to one sided games (well, every team multipl…(Quote) VEIL SKYLIGHTS VENT REMOVED? Please let it happen.
PS: People using 32bit OSes should be ashamed of themselves. You're holding everyone back. :o3(Quote) Can't have enough Gorge tunnels. 2 or 3 insta Gorges = an awful lot of map control in 30 seconds. No-research tunnels was a huge Alien buff.
The problem might be that fights are over too fast. The fact that Skulks get one-shotted, bites don't register, jump spam, etc. is aggravated by the fact that one "misstep" means the fight is over.
Just imagine, for example, Marin…Yes I'm talking about pub games (bolded it in the OP), I see that comp players can break an Alien team that is so divided. On pub it never works.I don't think there was/is a proper middleware to build a game like NS2 (not even looking at the licensing costs). Sure you could have used UE3 or something, but the result would have been lower quality, even without running into some unexpected, un…And I thought this was a thread about pub players :P
But OP has a point, some things just seem to be fundamentally badly designed (though I admit it's really hard getting it right, especially melee vs ranged).
For example, if you r…(Quote) Holy **** this is a great post.
NS2 needs further gameplay balancing, but most of all polishing for more convenience. Keybinds, crosshairs, fix the loading screen, etc - things like that.