johnny truant
OK guys - Geforce GTX660 fixed the problem, have sent the Radeon back. Thank you all for your efforts, they are very much appreciated. Game on!Thanks for all your help everyone, I've sent the card back and ordered a GTX660 instead - will give that a whirl once it's been delivered and let you know how I get on.It happens in Medieval Total War 2 as well, so it's not just limited to NS2. It wouldn't be linked to my power supply, would it? Its only 500w...All sorts! To be honest got a budget build. ULTIMATE fail, get black screen of death after about 5 mins play. Absolutely crushing - had to start a thread about it!
in Finally. Comment by johnny truant April 2013
I managed to get about 10 mins play (rather than 10 secs) on windowed. Have attached a screenshot of it idle in lobby. After I'd been playing, just before it bsod I noticed cpu temp had upped to about 54C or so, totally missed what gpu got to but it…Menu all works fine Liam, it's a new build so this is literally the first game I tried running so far.
Screen looks exactly like in the picture Rippsy posted. I'll have a whirl in windowed mode and see if that makes a difference.
OK so I can get into the game, join a game, run around for 10 seconds and then get black screen of death. Can't ctrl+alt+del, nothing works. Ambient sounds still play. Have to do a forced restartin [Outdated] KNOWN ISSUES AND POSSIBLE FIXES Comment by johnny truant April 2013
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