I thought I bought the "Reinforced Shadow Tier" as I have the "Reinforced" shoulder patch and I have a "Shadow Skulk" ......but I think I'm mistaken. Now that I look I can see the purple icons next to some names while I have the gold icon.
Yes....this. Thank you Handschuh!Thank you guys!
I've been playing this game since the original NS.....which I believe started as a HL mod...if I'm not mistaken....but I still suck! I have fun playing it though so I keep going.
I miss Combat!You know...I paid full price for this game....I bought into the reinforced deal.....I'm behind you guys 100% but it seems as if you can't devote a small amount of time to fix this issue that is really impacting the players experience. Not so sure I …File not is 6/27/14 a little after 12:00 pm Est.Yeah...crashed again.....server empty.......
Can somebody at UWE please take a half hour out of your day to fix this shit?(Quote)
Looks like you're pissing in the wind ZERO!
After I posted this I we'll have to assume they're working on something Combat related.
Hell...I'll pay to play a bugless, non laggy game of Combat....I already feel like I owe them money for all the ho…Drop Ship really......REALLY broke this mod! It seems as if you can't kill either the chair or the hive! Plus other problems....I love Combat and play it exclusively. Are you guys still actively working on the mod or is it dead?You guys are making assumptions on the OR's performance, yet you couldn't possibly know what it can or can not handle!. The dev kits come with Doom3 and that has as much movement and effects as NS2.
Hawken has as much, or probably more, …That would be so cool! I would pay to have the OR work with NS2. Maybe they could go to the community for donations?Warning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipb