Our server runs a custom high ping kicker. It samples their pings every refresh and kicks them if their average ping over the last 30 seconds is over the threshold for kicking (ours is 250). Works great for us.
You bought a key probably purchased with stolen credit card info. Tough luck, and that's why you should stick to legitimate vendors.
Chiming in about performance... it makes it hard for people who like the game to even play, let alone draw new players when the word is out that it runs like shit.
in Why isn't NS2 more popular? Comment by jorgamun May 2013
Agreed. I lost a tiny bit of respect when they didn't take the high road with that guy. Outright flaming a paying customer for his petulant behavior is unprofessional. We are human, but I thought it was up to the mods/devs to keep … -
I wouldn't have removed the modded flag without having a system that lets you view mod details before joining a server, but I don't have the data to back up that it is a big deal in the first place.
Our server uses an external non-Lua Au… -
Yeah. I don't think fracturing the playerbase is the answer.
Probably should've hopped in explore mode and played around with commanding before you got in the chair the first time. You discover a lot of stuff that you had trouble with on your own and it becomes familiar quickly.
But you're right, … -
Actually, my enforced random (attempts) to take this into account (gonna need more testing to make sure it works of course), so theoretically this isn't a problem either. Switches midgame that appear to reduce lopsidedness are allo… -
I agree. I never had the illusion that you can fix the issue of stacking entirely by randomization and shuffling, but it's not a binary operation to begin with. It's about improving where you can. The devs surely are on this - Sewl… -
I completely understand the issue behind it. But why wouldn't I patch the hull of a sinking ship just because the hull was defective? You're acting like the ENTIRE basis for aliens being less fun revolves around the skulk issue. Th… -
It might not reflect those servers in part because many of those servers don't operate in the same way. This is extremely simple to understand and why I bothered mentioning our scenario in the first place - literally this is the fi… -
I think after ten hours or so, you should have the option to keep the rookie status up to like 40 hours. -
The problem is already solved for us in most cases. People are enjoying both teams by getting experience with both of them and voting for random nearly every round.
I'll simplify:
Players are stacking marine… -
He said that people stack marines for fun (which is a reference to team stacking) and that you can't solve this with randomization and shuffling.
I pointed out that in my experience this is incorrect, as our randomized … -
Check the title of the thread? It's about team stacking, which is exactly what was being solved.
You're trying to redefine the problem that I attempted to solve to something that I wasn't aiming to do. None of my effort… -
Rookie friendly doesn't mean rookie only.
Except... you're incorrect. On our server using vote random we've actually had a long series of very good matches with fairly even teams, with a few steamrolls interspersed between. Once you get some regulars onboard with randoming… -
I designed a system for this but there are a few problems in implementation, the largest being that effectiveness is based largely on having a very continuous group of regulars. I hope that my server does get more regulars going be… -
My server runs with 45% vote required to randomize, and tomorrow we should be rolling out enforced random that will prevent people from restacking the teams once randomization happens. Stacking is pretty prevalent and we come down hard on it, and as…
There are no rewards for kills as it currently is. -
Is it always a full refund? If that's the intention, I think I've run into a bug a few times with phase gates only giving back 11 from their blueprint being knocked out.
Isn't there a limit on the amount of buildings you can place in a room? I know there is for aliens. -
Remember the Hazard Course in Half-Life? It was a great way to introduce you to the mechanics you'll need to get through the game.
A singleplayer map that's something similar to that could be really fun and helpful. I don't know if it's … -
There do seem to be more obvious hackers out there this weekend, judging from my server alone. I think it might be hackers on sock steam accounts hacking and not worrying about bans with new steamids.
I wasn't aware. What else is out there? I wrote my own external application to help with some administration on my server. You did the same?
EDIT: In case you are confused, my first comment was not a reply to you. It wa… -
That's what I'm talking about, thanks!
Just for my sanity, I'll double check later with a quick test, but I appreciate you clearing it up. -
Yeah I know about the caps and the res intake - I'm not new but this seems the forum to ask this question in.
There is no mention of overflow anywhere as far as I can tell, though. I'm asking for a more in-depth description of that syste… -
Let's say a commander is in the process of crashing and he can't get out of the chair, and things are so hectic that the pub players aren't organizing an eject and don't realize it. If his t.res goes to 200, does it then overflow to the other player…
I'm getting these crashes for the first time as well. Interestingly it's typically when I'm in a dual exosuit or an Onos leading a push. So basically THE WORST POSSIBLE TIMES
in VisualC++ runtime fatal error since 2days Comment by jorgamun March 2013