want you fell to see is i said it should be bouth they don't have to re write the game all they have to do is make a multiplayer side of the same game not theat hard
and theme games have nothing to do with SN SN is more like ark wer u can make a base and explore the map multiplayer is wat the game is missing
i now games and programing i spent most of my life on how to do it I was trying to say financially wold be better if they did u kids need to stop thinking inside of the box and think wait other people would like there's a lot of people who would buy…
i guess you all don't have friends i have 200,000 friends that said they would play the game if they offered multiplayer as an option u know that most of the world's games are multiplayer and if they never make the game multiplayer there will be a …
thank on how moch more fun it would be to play the game with a friend and if it was multiplayer a lot more people would buy the game like i said before it is not as fun to play now it was at first but now it isn't if it had multiplayer it would be a…